
LineChart プロパティ

折れ線チャートの全書式プロパティにアクセスするための Appearance オブジェクトを返します。
Public Property LineChart As LineChartAppearance
public LineChartAppearance LineChart {get; set;}
'see chart text properties
'sets the style used for drawing the line
UltraChart1.LineChart.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineDrawStyle.Dash
'sets the styles for the beginning and end of the line
UltraChart1.LineChart.StartStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineCapStyle.NoAnchor
UltraChart1.LineChart.EndStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineCapStyle.Flat
'winchart only- determines whether to highlight the entire line when a point is mosed over
UltraChart1.LineChart.HighLightLines = True
'turns on/off the midpoints of the line
UltraChart1.LineChart.MidPointAnchors = True
'determines how to handle nulls for the line chart
UltraChart1.LineChart.NullHandling = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.NullHandling.RemoveItems
'sets the thickness of the line
UltraChart1.LineChart.Thickness = 3
// see chart text properties
        // ultrachart1.linechart.charttext
        // sets the style used for drawing the line
        UltraChart1.LineChart.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineDrawStyle.Dash;
        // sets the styles for the beginning and end of the line
        UltraChart1.LineChart.StartStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineCapStyle.NoAnchor;
        UltraChart1.LineChart.EndStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineCapStyle.Flat;
        // winchart only- determines whether to highlight the entire line when a point is mosed over
        UltraChart1.LineChart.HighLightLines = True;
        // turns on/off the midpoints of the line
        UltraChart1.LineChart.MidPointAnchors = True;
        // determines how to handle nulls for the line chart
        UltraChart1.LineChart.NullHandling = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.NullHandling.RemoveItems;
        // sets the thickness of the line
        UltraChart1.LineChart.Thickness = 3;