
Maximized プロパティ

Public Property Maximized As Boolean
public bool Maximized {get; set;}

ペインを最大化するためにこのプロパティを True に設定します。

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock

Private Sub btnMinMaxSize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMinMaxSize.Click

    ' Create a new dock area
    Dim group As DockAreaPane = New DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.Floating, "floatingPane")

    ' Initialize the child pane style and size
    group.Size = New Size(200, 120)
    group.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.VerticalSplit

    ' Get the control panes we will move into the new dock area
    Dim controlPane1 As DockableControlPane = Me.ultraDockManager1.ControlPanes(0)
    Dim controlPane2 As DockableControlPane = Me.ultraDockManager1.ControlPanes(1)

    ' Reposition them into the new group

    ' This control should not be smaller than...
    controlPane1.MinimumSize = New Size(65, 50)

    ' And should not be bigger than...
    controlPane1.MaximumSize = New Size(150, 300)

    ' Maximizing a pane is essentially the same as minimizing
    ' another pane when you have only 2 panes in a group. It 
    ' works a bit differently when you have more than 2 panes
    ' since you can have only 1 maximized pane in a group ( which
    ' causes the other panes to be treated as minimized) but you
    ' can have up to pane count - 1 minimized panes where the 
    ' unminimized 
    ' controlPane2.Maximized = True
    controlPane1.Minimized = True

    ' Hide disabled buttons
    Me.ultraDockManager1.ShowDisabledButtons = False

    ' Show the minimize button so the user can restore the minimed pane
    ' note, it is highly recommend that you only show the minimize
    ' or maximize buttons to the user since the two can cause
    ' conflicts in the state making it more difficult for the
    ' user to restore the panes
    Me.ultraDockManager1.ShowMinimizeButton = True

    ' Add the new dock area to the dock manager

End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void btnMinMaxSize_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// Create a new dock area
	DockAreaPane group  = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.Floating, "floatingPane");

	// Initialize the child pane style and size
	group.Size = new Size(200, 120);
	group.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.VerticalSplit;

	// Get the control panes we will move into the new dock area
	DockableControlPane controlPane1 = this.ultraDockManager1.ControlPanes[0];
	DockableControlPane controlPane2 = this.ultraDockManager1.ControlPanes[1];

	// Reposition them into the new group

	// This control should not be smaller than...
	controlPane1.MinimumSize = new Size(65, 50);

	// and should not be bigger than...
	controlPane1.MaximumSize = new Size(150, 300);

	// Maximizing a pane is essentially the same as minimizing
	// another pane when you have only 2 panes in a group. It 
	// works a bit differently when you have more than 2 panes
	// since you can have only 1 maximized pane in a group ( which
	// causes the other panes to be treated as minimized) but you
	// can have up to pane count - 1 minimized panes where the 
	// unminimized 
	// controlPane2.Maximized = true;
	controlPane1.Minimized = true;

	// Hide disabled buttons
	this.ultraDockManager1.ShowDisabledButtons = false;

	// Show the minimize button so the user can restore the minimed pane
	// note, it is highly recommend that you only show the minimize
	// or maximize buttons to the user since the two can cause
	// conflicts in the state making it more difficult for the
	// user to restore the panes
	this.ultraDockManager1.ShowMinimizeButton = true;

	// Add the new dock area to the dock manager
