
Value プロパティ (MidpointSettings)

TrackBar の中点で表される値を取得または設定します。
Public Property Value As Nullable(Of Integer)
public Nullable<int> Value {get; set;}

注: このプロパティを TrackBar の範囲の中点でない値に設定すると、トラックのいずれかの半分の値の異なる数となり、中点目盛が表示できない場合であっても効果が適用されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors

        ' This method sets up the scale trackbar in a similar way to the Microsoft Office2007
        ' scaling trackbar. We want this trackbar to essentially have 2 different ranges. The first 
        ' range is from 10 to 100 percent. The second range is from 100 to 500 percent. 

        ' Start by setting the ViewStyle to Office2007.
        Me.utbScale.ViewStyle = TrackBarViewStyle.Office2007

        ' Set MinValue to 10 and MaxValue to 500. 
        Me.utbScale.MinValue = 10
        Me.utbScale.MaxValue = 500

        ' The middle point of this Trackbar would normally be 250. But we want the middle
        ' to represent 100. So we can use the MidPointSettings.Value to set the middle to 100. 
        ' Since there is a bigger range to the right of the midpoint, values to the right of the 
        ' midpoint are more densely spaced and values o the left are more sparsely spaced. 
        Me.utbScale.MidpointSettings.Value = 100

        ' Make the midpoint tickmark visible. 
        Me.utbScale.MidpointSettings.Visible = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True

        ' Set SmallChange and LargeChange.
        Me.utbScale.SmallChange = 10
        Me.utbScale.LargeChange = 10

        ' Set the Value to 100, so we default to 100%. 
        Me.utbScale.Value = 100
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors;

            // This method sets up the scale trackbar in a similar way to the Microsoft Office2007
            // scaling trackbar. We want this trackbar to essentially have 2 different ranges. The first 
            // range is from 10 to 100 percent. The second range is from 100 to 500 percent. 

            // Start by setting the ViewStyle to Office2007.
            this.utbScale.ViewStyle = TrackBarViewStyle.Office2007;

            // Set MinValue to 10 and MaxValue to 500. 
            this.utbScale.MinValue = 10;
            this.utbScale.MaxValue = 500;

            // The middle point of this Trackbar would normally be 250. But we want the middle
            // to represent 100. So we can use the MidPointSettings.Value to set the middle to 100. 
            // Since there is a bigger range to the right of the midpoint, values to the right of the 
            // midpoint are more densely spaced and values o the left are more sparsely spaced. 
            this.utbScale.MidpointSettings.Value = 100;

            // Make the midpoint tickmark visible. 
            this.utbScale.MidpointSettings.Visible = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;

            // Set SmallChange and LargeChange.
            this.utbScale.SmallChange = 10;
            this.utbScale.LargeChange = 10;

            // Set the Value to 100, so we default to 100%. 
            this.utbScale.Value = 100;