public Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase ActiveCellAppearance {get; set;}
'宣言 Public Property ActiveCellAppearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase
ActiveCellAppearance プロパティは、UltraTreeColumnSettings クラスと UltraTreeColumnSet クラスによっても公開されています。このプロパティを UltraTreeNodeColumn レベルで設定すると、その列によって表示されるセルのみに作用します。
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim columnQuantity As UltraTreeNodeColumn = Me.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets("Order Details").Columns("Quantity") Dim columnDiscount As UltraTreeNodeColumn = Me.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets("Order Details").Columns("Discount") Dim columnProduct As UltraTreeNodeColumn = Me.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets("Order Details").Columns("ProductID") ' Set the 'Quantity' column to have a ForeColor of blue for ' the active cell, allow editing, and restrict the number of ' characters accepted for input so that the end user cannot ' enter a value greater than 99. Also, don't allow null values. columnQuantity.ActiveCellAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue columnQuantity.AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.Full columnQuantity.MaxLength = 2 columnQuantity.Nullable = Nullable.Disallow ' make the 'Discount' column read-only. columnDiscount.AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.ReadOnly ' Enable tooltips for the 'Product' column, since the ' name of the product might not always be fully visible. columnProduct.TipStyleCell = TipStyleCell.Show End Sub
'宣言 Public Property ActiveCellAppearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree; using System.Diagnostics; private void button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { UltraTreeNodeColumn columnQuantity = this.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets["Order Details"].Columns["Quantity"]; UltraTreeNodeColumn columnDiscount = this.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets["Order Details"].Columns["Discount"]; UltraTreeNodeColumn columnProduct = this.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets["Order Details"].Columns["ProductID"]; // Set the 'Quantity' column to have a ForeColor of blue for // the active cell, allow editing, and restrict the number of // characters accepted for input so that the end user cannot // enter a value greater than 99. Also, don't allow null values. columnQuantity.ActiveCellAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue; columnQuantity.AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.Full; columnQuantity.MaxLength = 2; columnQuantity.Nullable = Nullable.Disallow; // make the 'Discount' column read-only. columnDiscount.AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.ReadOnly; // Enable tooltips for the 'Product' column, since the // name of the product might not always be fully visible. columnProduct.TipStyleCell = TipStyleCell.Show; }
'宣言 Public Property ActiveCellAppearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase