Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
' Note: the Override objects are exposed as properties off
' the tree, the node and the nodes collection as well as
' items in the NodeLevelOverrides collection. This allows
' default settings to be specified for the tree, a node,
' a node's children or for a level in the tree.
' Set the default to allow clipboard operations
Me.ultraTree1.Override.AllowCut = DefaultableBoolean.True
Me.ultraTree1.Override.AllowCopy = DefaultableBoolean.True
Me.ultraTree1.Override.AllowPaste = DefaultableBoolean.True
' Set the default for nodes that are at level 2
' (i.e. grandchild nodes of root modes) so that
' they can't be cut or copied.
' This overrides the default setting above.
Me.ultraTree1.NodeLevelOverrides(2).AllowCut = DefaultableBoolean.False
Me.ultraTree1.NodeLevelOverrides(2).AllowCopy = DefaultableBoolean.False
' Set the default for nodes at the root level
' so that they can't be pasted.
' This overrides the default settings above.
Me.ultraTree1.Nodes.Override.AllowPaste = DefaultableBoolean.False
' Get a specific node by its key value.
' Note: this will return the node that has that key
' from anywhere in the tree structure since keys are
' unique across the entire tree.
Dim node As UltraTreeNode = Me.ultraTree1.GetNodeByKey("child node 1")
If Not node Is Nothing Then
' Disallow cuttin of that specific node only.
' This overrides any default settings above.
node.Override.AllowCut = DefaultableBoolean.False
' However, do allow cutting of that node's child nodes
node.Nodes.Override.AllowCut = DefaultableBoolean.True
End If
End Sub