Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click ' Set the merge orders on the ribbon tabs in the child and parent ' managers. This will cause the first tab of the child manager ' to be placed before the first tab on the parent manager when ' the managers are merged. Me.parentToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs.Item(0).MergeOrder = 2 Me.childToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs.Item(0).MergeOrder = 1 Me.parentToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs.Item(1).MergeOrder = 3 ' Set the merge orders on the ribbon groups of two tabs which will be ' merged together. This will cause the child group in the merged tab ' to be placed before the parent group in the merged tab when the managers ' are merged. Me.parentToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs.Item(1).Groups.Item(0).MergeOrder = 2 Me.childToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs.Item(1).Groups.Item(0).MergeOrder = 1 ' Merge the child manager into the parent manager. Me.parentToolbarsManager.ActiveMdiChildManager = Me.childToolbarsManager End Sub
'宣言 Public Property MergeOrder As Integer
using System.Windows.Forms; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars; private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // Set the merge orders on the ribbon tabs in the child and parent // managers. This will cause the first tab of the child manager // to be placed before the first tab on the parent manager when // the managers are merged. this.parentToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[ 0 ].MergeOrder = 2; this.childToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[ 0 ].MergeOrder = 1; this.parentToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[ 1 ].MergeOrder = 3; // Set the merge orders on the ribbon groups of two tabs which will be // merged together. This will cause the child group in the merged tab // to be placed before the parent group in the merged tab when the managers // are merged. this.parentToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[ 1 ].Groups[ 0 ].MergeOrder = 2; this.childToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[ 1 ].Groups[ 0 ].MergeOrder = 1; // Merge the child manager into the parent manager. this.parentToolbarsManager.ActiveMdiChildManager = this.childToolbarsManager; }
'宣言 Public Property MergeOrder As Integer