
IToolProvider インターフェース

Public Interface IToolProvider 
public interface IToolProvider 
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

Namespace ToolProvider

#Region "ToolProviderAsManager class (derived from UltraToolbarsManager)"

    ' This class demonstrates how to write a custom tool provider that derives from UltraToolbarsManager.
    ' See the notes above for more information on the options available when creating custom tool providers.
    ' The ToolProviderAsManager class performs 2 important functions:
    '		1. Registering the custom tool types that it supports (see the private ToolFactory class's constructor)
    '			When registering a custom tool type, the tool provider:
    '				a. supplies a reference to an IToolProvider implementation
    '				b. supplies a Guid to identify the custom tool type.  This Guid will be contained in the
    '				   customizer's request to create an instance of the custom tool type.
    '				c. supplies a descriptive string used in the NewTool dialog to identify the custom tool
    '				d. supplies a string to be used as the basis for the custom tool instance's key and caption
    '		2. Contains a private ToolFactory class that implements the IToolProvider interface which allows the
    '		   Customizer to call back when it needs to create an instance of a registered custom tool.
    '	The ToolProviderAsManager also overrides the virtual property ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer to 
    '	demonstrate how to prevent toolbars manager from displaying the built-in tools in the designtime
    '	customizer.
    Public Class ToolProviderAsManager
        Inherits UltraToolbarsManager

#Region "Member Variables"

        ' A static reference to our private tool provider class.  An instance of this class is
        ' created in our static constructor.
        Private Shared m_toolFactory As ToolProviderAsManager.ToolFactory = Nothing

#End Region   'Member Variables

#Region "Constructor"

        '/ <summary>
        '/ Static constructor used to create a single instance of our private tool provider class.
        '/ </summary>
        Shared Sub New()
            ToolProviderAsManager.m_toolFactory = New ToolProviderAsManager.ToolFactory()
        End Sub

        '/ <summary>
        '/ Standard constructor.
        '/ </summary>
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub

#End Region   'Constructor

#Region "Constants"

        Friend Shared ReadOnly CUSTOMBUTTON2_TOOLID As Guid = New Guid("66227453-9991-1019-ABC4-872BCDEF5413")
        Friend Shared ReadOnly CUSTOMCOMBOBOX2_TOOLID As Guid = New Guid("66227453-9991-1019-ABC4-872BCDEF5414")

#End Region   'Constants

#Region "Base Class Overrides"

#Region "ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer"

        Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer() As Boolean
                ' Comment-out the following line and uncomment the subsequent line to prevent the
                ' toolbars manager's built-in tooltypes from being displayed in the runtime customizer.
                Return True
                'return false;
            End Get
        End Property

#End Region    'ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer

#End Region   'Base Class Overrides

#Region "Private Class ToolFactory"

        '/ <summary>
        '/ A private class that implements IToolProvider.
        '/ </summary>
        Private Class ToolFactory
            Implements IToolProvider
#Region "Constructor"

            Friend Sub New()
                Dim result As Boolean

                ' Register some custom tool types with UltraToolbarsManager.
                    ' CustomButtonTool class.
                    result = UltraToolbarsManager.RegisterCustomToolType(Me, ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMBUTTON2_TOOLID, "Custom Button", "CustomButtonTool")
                    If result = False Then
                        MessageBox.Show("Error registering CustomButtonTool class!")
                    End If

                    ' CustomComboBoxTool class.
                    result = UltraToolbarsManager.RegisterCustomToolType(Me, ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMCOMBOBOX2_TOOLID, "Custom ComboBox", "CustomComboBoxTool")
                    If result = False Then
                        MessageBox.Show("Error registering CustomComboBoxTool class!")
                    End If
                    MessageBox.Show("Error registering custom tool classes!")
                End Try
            End Sub

#End Region    'Constructor

#Region "CreateToolInstance"

            '/ <summary>
            '/ Creates and returns an instance of the tool identified by the specified GUID id.
            '/ </summary>
            '/ <param name="toolID">The Guid identifier specified for the tool when it was registered.</param>
            '/ <param name="key">The key assigned to the tool.</param>
            '/ <returns>A new instance of the specified tool.</returns>
            Function CreateToolInstance(ByVal toolID As Guid, ByVal key As String) As ToolBase Implements IToolProvider.CreateToolInstance
                If toolID.Equals(ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMBUTTON2_TOOLID) Then
                    Return New CustomButtonTool(key)
                End If

                If toolID.Equals(ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMCOMBOBOX2_TOOLID) Then
                    Return New CustomComboBoxTool(key)
                End If

                ' The tool ID is unknown to us so return null.
                Return Nothing
            End Function

#End Region     'CreateToolInstance
        End Class

#End Region   'Private Class ToolFactory
    End Class

#End Region 'ToolProviderAsManager class (derived from UltraToolbarsManager)

End Namespace
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

namespace ToolProvider
	#region ToolProviderAsManager class (derived from UltraToolbarsManager)

	/// <summary>
	/// This class demonstrates how to write a custom tool provider that derives from UltraToolbarsManager.
	/// See the notes above for more information on the options available when creating custom tool providers.
	/// The ToolProviderAsManager class performs 2 important functions:
	///		1. Registering the custom tool types that it supports (see the private ToolFactory class's constructor)
	///			When registering a custom tool type, the tool provider:
	///				a. supplies a reference to an IToolProvider implementation
	///				b. supplies a Guid to identify the custom tool type.  This Guid will be contained in the
	///				   customizer's request to create an instance of the custom tool type.
	///				c. supplies a descriptive string used in the NewTool dialog to identify the custom tool
	///				d. supplies a string to be used as the basis for the custom tool instance's key and caption
	///		2. Contains a private ToolFactory class that implements the IToolProvider interface which allows the
	///		   Customizer to call back when it needs to create an instance of a registered custom tool.
	///	The ToolProviderAsManager also overrides the virtual property ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer to 
	///	demonstrate how to prevent toolbars manager from displaying the built-in tools in the designtime
	///	customizer.
	/// </summary>
	public class ToolProviderAsManager : UltraToolbarsManager
		#region Member Variables

		// A static reference to our private tool provider class.  An instance of this class is
		// created in our static constructor.
		private static ToolProviderAsManager.ToolFactory		toolFactory = null;

		#endregion Member Variables

		#region Constructor

		/// <summary>
		/// Static constructor used to create a single instance of our private tool provider class.
		/// </summary>
		static ToolProviderAsManager()
			ToolProviderAsManager.toolFactory = new ToolProviderAsManager.ToolFactory();

		/// <summary>
		/// Standard constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public ToolProviderAsManager()

		#endregion Constructor

		#region Constants

		internal static readonly Guid		CUSTOMBUTTON2_TOOLID			= new Guid("66227453-9991-1019-ABC4-872BCDEF5413");
		internal static readonly Guid		CUSTOMCOMBOBOX2_TOOLID			= new Guid("66227453-9991-1019-ABC4-872BCDEF5414");

		#endregion Constants

		#region Base Class Overrides

			#region ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer
		protected override bool ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer
				// Comment-out the following line and uncomment the subsequent line to prevent the
				// toolbars manager's built-in tooltypes from being displayed in the runtime customizer.
				return true;
				//return false;

			#endregion ShowBuiltInToolTypesInCustomizer

		#endregion Base Class Overrides

		#region Private Class ToolFactory

		/// <summary>
		/// A private class that implements IToolProvider.
		/// </summary>
		private class ToolFactory : IToolProvider
			#region Constructor

			internal ToolFactory()
				bool result;

				// Register some custom tool types with UltraToolbarsManager.
					// CustomButtonTool class.
					result = UltraToolbarsManager.RegisterCustomToolType(this, ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMBUTTON2_TOOLID, "Custom Button", "CustomButtonTool");
					if (result == false)
						MessageBox.Show("Error registering CustomButtonTool class!");

					// CustomComboBoxTool class.
					result = UltraToolbarsManager.RegisterCustomToolType(this, ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMCOMBOBOX2_TOOLID, "Custom ComboBox", "CustomComboBoxTool");
					if (result == false)
						MessageBox.Show("Error registering CustomComboBoxTool class!");
					MessageBox.Show("Error registering custom tool classes!");

			#endregion Constructor

			#region CreateToolInstance

			/// <summary>
			/// Creates and returns an instance of the tool identified by the specified GUID id.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="toolID">The Guid identifier specified for the tool when it was registered.</param>
			/// <param name="key">The key assigned to the tool.</param>
			/// <returns>A new instance of the specified tool.</returns>
			ToolBase IToolProvider.CreateToolInstance(Guid toolID, string key)
				if (toolID == ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMBUTTON2_TOOLID)
					return new CustomButtonTool(key);

				if (toolID == ToolProviderAsManager.CUSTOMCOMBOBOX2_TOOLID)
					return new CustomComboBoxTool(key);

				// The tool ID is unknown to us so return null.
				return null;

				#endregion CreateToolInstance

		#endregion Private Class ToolFactory

	#endregion ToolProviderAsManager class (derived from UltraToolbarsManager)