バージョン 24.2 (最新)

FirstDisplayedTab プロパティ

最初の表示される MdiTab を返すか、設定します。
public MdiTab FirstDisplayedTab {get; set;}

FirstDisplayedTabは表示される Tabs 内の最初のタブである MdiTab です。タブのレイアウトは FirstDisplayedTab から始まり、表示タブがなくなるか、またはタブ項目を表示するスペースがなくなるまで続きます。タブがレイアウトされる方向は、解決された TabOrientation によって決まります。ScrollButtons が表示されていて、FirstDisplayedTab が最初の表示タブでない場合は、前へのスクロール (最初、前、前ページ) が有効になります。

注: このプロパティは、Tabs が空の場合、または MdiTabGroup の TabGroups に他の MdiTabGroups インスタンスが含まれる場合は null を返します。

注: このプロパティを設定したときに、指定した MdiTabTabs コレクションに含まれていない場合は例外が生成されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi

Private Sub MoveAllToFirstGroup()
    'There are multiple ways to reposition a group. Which you use
    'will depend upon what you are trying to accomplish although
    'there are usually several mechanisms for achieving the 
    'desired result. Here we are moving all the tabs from all
    'the tab groups into the first tab group. Several numbered
    'but commented out ways are presented to complete the task.

    ' if there are no mdi tab groups, there is nothing to do
    If Not Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.HasTabGroups Then
    End If

    ' get the first group
    Dim firstGroup As MdiTabGroup = Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroups(0)
    Dim firstDisplayedTab As MdiTab = firstGroup.FirstDisplayedTab
    Dim selectedTab As MdiTab = firstGroup.SelectedTab


    ' iterate through all the tab groups after
    ' the first one and move the tabs to the first group.
    ' we'll iterate backwards since removing all the tabs 
    ' in a group causes the group to get removed
    Dim count As Integer = Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroups.Count - 1

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = count To 1 Step - 1
        Dim tabGroup As MdiTabGroup = Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroups(i)

        ' (1) The MoveAllTabs method is convenient to move all 
        ' the contained tabs to an existing tabgroup. the
        ' MdiTabGroupPosition parameter is used to determine
        ' the tab group which tab group, relative to the 
        ' calling tab group's current position

        ' The alternative is to iterate the tabs (backwards
        ' since moving the tab to a different group will
        ' remove it from the tabs collection of the containing
        ' group)
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = tabGroup.Tabs.Count - 1 To 0 Step - 1
            Dim tab As MdiTab = tabGroup.Tabs(j)

            ' (2) The Reposition method will take a tab object
            ' and move the invoking tab to the same tab group 
            ' as the specified tab and positioned relative to that tab
            'tab.Reposition(firstGroup.SelectedTab, MdiTabPosition.Last)

            ' (3) Calling the MoveToGroup without specifying an index
            ' will move the tab to the specified group and position 
            ' it at the end. This is equivalent to calling:
            'tab.MoveToGroup(firstGroup, firstGroup.Tabs.Count)


    ' reset the previously selected tab
    firstGroup.SelectedTab = selectedTab

    ' reinitialize the tab was previously the first displayed tab
    firstGroup.FirstDisplayedTab = firstDisplayedTab

End Sub
Public Property FirstDisplayedTab As MdiTab
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi;

private void MoveAllToFirstGroup()
	// There are multiple ways to reposition a group. Which you use
	// will depend upon what you are trying to accomplish although
	// there are usually several mechanisms for achieving the 
	// desired result. Here we are moving all the tabs from all
	// the tab groups into the first tab group. Several numbered
	// but commented out ways are presented to complete the task.

	// if there are no mdi tab groups, there is nothing to do
	if (!this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.HasTabGroups)

	// get the first group
	MdiTabGroup firstGroup = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroups[0];
	MdiTab firstDisplayedTab = firstGroup.FirstDisplayedTab;
	MdiTab selectedTab = firstGroup.SelectedTab;


	// iterate through all the tab groups after
	// the first one and move the tabs to the first group.
	// we'll iterate backwards since removing all the tabs 
	// in a group causes the group to get removed
	int count = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroups.Count - 1;

	for(int i = count; i > 0 ; i--)
		MdiTabGroup tabGroup = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroups[i];

		// (1) The MoveAllTabs method is convenient to move all 
		// the contained tabs to an existing tabgroup. the
		// MdiTabGroupPosition parameter is used to determine
		// the tab group which tab group, relative to the 
		// calling tab group's current position

		// The alternative is to iterate the tabs (backwards
		// since moving the tab to a different group will
		// remove it from the tabs collection of the containing
		// group)
		for(int j = tabGroup.Tabs.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
			MdiTab tab = tabGroup.Tabs[j];

			// (2) The Reposition method will take a tab object
			// and move the invoking tab to the same tab group 
			// as the specified tab and positioned relative to that tab
			tab.Reposition(firstGroup.SelectedTab, MdiTabPosition.Last);

			// (3) Calling the MoveToGroup without specifying an index
			// will move the tab to the specified group and position 
			// it at the end. This is equivalent to calling:
			tab.MoveToGroup(firstGroup, firstGroup.Tabs.Count);


	// reset the previously selected tab
	firstGroup.SelectedTab = selectedTab;

	// reinitialize the tab was previously the first displayed tab
	firstGroup.FirstDisplayedTab = firstDisplayedTab;

Public Property FirstDisplayedTab As MdiTab