Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
'print one or more days per page using a dayview
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.Daily
'the StartTime and EndTime properties are used to
'constrain the output when using a dayview for the print operation.
'a dayview is used for a daily print style, a weekly
'print style when the weeklylayoutstyle is dayview and
'also when print a daily trifold section
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartTime = New TimeSpan(8, 0, 0) '8:00 am
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndTime = New TimeSpan(17, 30, 0) '5:30 pm
'just as with outlook, a dayview may be opted to
'be rendered on 2 pages. when doing so, only
'the notes sections will be printed on the second
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.MaximumPagesPerDay = 2
'the 'blank' notes area is a section with a header
'and the remaining area blank that may be used to
'write notes once printed
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.IncludeBlankNotesArea = True
'the 'lined' notes is the same as the blank notes
'area except the blank area is divided by evenly spaced
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.IncludeLinedNotesArea = True
'the DateHeaderAreaAppearance affects the header area above
'the body of the print but still below the page's header
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.DateHeaderAreaAppearance.FontData.Name = "Tahoma"
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.DateHeaderAreaAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = 16
'the DateHeaderDayAreaAppearance is specific to the text element
'that renders the name of the day below the date range in the
'date header area. this element is only displayed in some
'cases such as a daily print style when printing a single day
'in a page
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.DateHeaderDayAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = 8