
IsInWorkingHours(TimeSlot,DateTime) メソッド

指定した TimeSlot は指定した日付の稼働時間内かどうかを返します。
Public Overloads Function IsInWorkingHours( _
   ByVal timeSlot As TimeSlot, _
   ByVal date As Date _
) As Boolean
public bool IsInWorkingHours( 
   TimeSlot timeSlot,
   DateTime date


テストされる範囲の開始時期および終了時期を定義する TimeSlot インスタンス。


TimeSlot は稼働時間内の場合は True。それ以外 False。
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics

    AddHandler Me.dayView.MouseDown, AddressOf dayView_MouseDown

    Private Sub dayView_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)

        Dim dayView As UltraDayView = sender

        '  Use the OwnerFromPoint method to hit test for an Owner
        Dim ownerAtPoint As Owner = dayView.OwnerFromPoint(e.Location)

        '  Use the DateTimeFromPoint method to hit test for the date and TimeSlot
        Dim timeSlot As TimeSlot = Nothing
        Dim dateAtPoint As Nullable(Of DateTime) = dayView.DateTimeFromPoint(e.Location, timeSlot)
        Dim isInWorkingHours As Boolean = False

        If Not timeSlot Is Nothing Then

            If Not ownerAtPoint Is Nothing Then
                isInWorkingHours = ownerAtPoint.IsInWorkingHours(timeSlot, dateAtPoint.Value)

                '  Create a TimeRange from the WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime, and then
                '  use it to determine whether the TimeSlot is within that range
                Dim dayOfWeek As DayOfWeek = dayView.CalendarInfo.DaysOfWeek(dateAtPoint.Value.DayOfWeek)
                Dim TimeRange As TimeRange = New TimeRange(dayOfWeek.WorkDayStartTime.TimeOfDay, dayOfWeek.WorkDayEndTime.TimeOfDay)
                Dim intersects As Boolean = TimeRange.IsInRange(timeSlot)
                isInWorkingHours = dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay AndAlso intersects
            End If

            Dim timeSlotRange As TimeRange = TimeRange.FromTimeSlot(timeSlot, False)
            Dim notString As String = IIf(isInWorkingHours = False, "not ", String.Empty)
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The {0} time range is {1}within the working hour range.", timeSlotRange.ToString(True), notString))
        End If

    End Sub
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.Diagnostics;

    this.dayView.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(dayView_MouseDown);

    void dayView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        UltraDayView dayView = sender as UltraDayView;
        //  Use the OwnerFromPoint method to hit test for an Owner
        Owner ownerAtPoint = dayView.OwnerFromPoint( e.Location );
        //  Use the DateTimeFromPoint method to hit test for the date and TimeSlot
        TimeSlot timeSlot = null;
        Nullable<DateTime> dateAtPoint = dayView.DateTimeFromPoint( e.Location, out timeSlot );
        bool isInWorkingHours = false;

        if ( timeSlot != null )
            if ( ownerAtPoint != null )
                isInWorkingHours = ownerAtPoint.IsInWorkingHours( timeSlot, dateAtPoint.Value );
                //  Create a TimeRange from the WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime, and then
                //  use it to determine whether the TimeSlot is within that range
                DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = dayView.CalendarInfo.DaysOfWeek[dateAtPoint.Value.DayOfWeek];
                TimeRange timeRange = new TimeRange( dayOfWeek.WorkDayStartTime.TimeOfDay, dayOfWeek.WorkDayEndTime.TimeOfDay );
                bool intersects = timeRange.IsInRange( timeSlot );
                isInWorkingHours = dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay && intersects;

            TimeRange timeSlotRange = TimeRange.FromTimeSlot( timeSlot, false );
            string notString = isInWorkingHours == false ? "not " : string.Empty;
            Console.WriteLine( string.Format("The {0} time range is {1}within the working hour range.", timeSlotRange.ToString(true), notString) );
