
HeaderStyle プロパティ (UltraGridOverride)

列ヘッダーの表示スタイルを取得または設定します。このプロパティを設定すると、行セレクターの表示スタイルも決定されます。行セレクターの表示スタイルは RowSelectorStyle プロパティで指定できます。
Public Property HeaderStyle As Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle
public Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle HeaderStyle {get; set;}
Private Sub SetupGrid()   
   ' Set the HeaderStyle to 'WindowsXPCommand' so that the column headers and row selectors will 
   ' have a 3D look with an orange hottracking border on all sides.
   Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderStyle = Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle.WindowsXPCommand
   ' Make sure that the row selectors are displayed.
   Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSelectors = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True
   ' You can override the style set on the HeaderStyle property by explicitly setting the 
   ' RowSelectorStyle property.  In this case, the row selectors will display the 'XPThemed'
   ' style while the column headers use the 'WindowsXPCommand' style.
   Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSelectorStyle = Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle.XPThemed
End Sub
private void SetupGrid()
	// Set the HeaderStyle to 'WindowsXPCommand' so that the column headers and row selectors will 
	// have a 3D look with an orange hottracking border on all sides.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderStyle = Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle.WindowsXPCommand;

	// Make sure that the row selectors are displayed.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSelectors = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;

	// You can override the style set on the HeaderStyle property by explicitly setting the 
	// RowSelectorStyle property.  In this case, the row selectors will display the 'XPThemed'
	// style while the column headers use the 'WindowsXPCommand' style.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSelectorStyle = Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle.XPThemed;