
EnsureSortedAndFiltered() メソッド

Public Overloads Sub EnsureSortedAndFiltered() 
public void EnsureSortedAndFiltered()
' The RowsCollection overloaded EnsureSortedAndFiltered methods afford the developer fine- 
' grained control over synchronous row sorting and filtering.

' This can be usefull in situations where the grid contains a large number of records and
' the developer wishes to display a wait cursor during a sort or filter.  By default the grid
' applies sorting and filtering lazily to rows in each band as it is expanded.  The parameterless
' method simply ensures that the RowsCollection upon which it is called is synchronously sorted
' and filtered.

' Ensure all rows in the current row collection are synchronously sorted and filtered.

' The two additional overloads take as arguments a RecursionType enum value and an UltraGridChildBand
' specifying the lowest level in the hierarchy to apply the synchronous sort and filter.
' Specifying a RecursionType of "None" will ensure the current RowCollection is synchronously sorted
' and filtered.  Specifying "All" or "Expanded" will ensure that either all rows, or all expanded rows, in the 
' specified Bands are synchronously sorted and filtered.  The method will be called called recursively on the
' current Band and all child bands until the lowest level Band is reached or all bands if the lowestLevelBand is null.

' Ensure all rows in the topmost row collection and the rows in all bands below this band in the
' hierarchy are synchronously sorted and filtered.

' Ensure all expanded rows in the topmost row collection and the expanded rows in all bands below
' this band in the hierarchy are synchronously sorted and filtered.

' Ensure all rows in the specified row collection and the rows in all bands below this band in the
' hierarchy down to the specified lowest level band are synchronously sorted and filtered.
Dim lowestLevelBand As UltraGridChildBand = Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(3).ChildBands(5)
Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(3).ChildBands(2).Rows.EnsureSortedAndFiltered(RecursionType.All, lowestLevelBand)

' The following code demonstrates how to display a wait cursor and specify a synchronous sort and filter
' for a selected set of rows in the grid hierarchy.
Private Sub ultraGrid1_BeforeSortChange(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeSortChangeEventArgs)

   ' Set the wait cursor
   Me.ultraGrid1.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
   ' Ensure all rows in the specified hierarchical range are synchronously sorted and filtered
   Dim lowestLevelBand As UltraGridChildBand = Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(3).ChildBands(5)
   Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(3).ChildBands(2).Rows.EnsureSortedAndFiltered(RecursionType.All, lowestLevelBand)

End Sub 'ultraGrid1_BeforeSortChange

Private Sub ultraGrid2_AfterSortChange(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BandEventArgs)

   ' Reset the wait cursor
   Me.ultraGrid1.Cursor = Cursors.Default

End Sub 'ultraGrid2_AfterSortChange
// The RowsCollection overloaded EnsureSortedAndFiltered methods afford the developer fine- 
// grained control over synchronous row sorting and filtering.

// This can be usefull in situations where the grid contains a large number of records and
// the developer wishes to display a wait cursor during a sort or filter.  By default the grid
// applies sorting and filtering lazily to rows in each band as it is expanded.  The parameterless
// method simply ensures that the RowsCollection upon which it is called is synchronously sorted
// and filtered.
// Ensure all rows in the current row collection are synchronously sorted and filtered.
// The two additional overloads take as arguments a RecursionType enum value and an UltraGridChildBand
// specifying the lowest level in the hierarchy to apply the synchronous sort and filter.
// Specifying a RecursionType of "None" will ensure the current RowCollection is synchronously sorted
// and filtered.  Specifying "All" or "Expanded" will ensure that either all rows, or all expanded rows, in the 
// specified Bands are synchronously sorted and filtered.  The method will be called called recursively on the
// current Band and all child bands until the lowest level Band is reached or all bands if the lowestLevelBand is null.

// Ensure all rows in the topmost row collection and the rows in all bands below this band in the
// hierarchy are synchronously sorted and filtered.
this.ultraGrid1.Rows.EnsureSortedAndFiltered( RecursionType.All );

// Ensure all expanded rows in the topmost row collection and the expanded rows in all bands below
// this band in the hierarchy are synchronously sorted and filtered.
this.ultraGrid1.Rows.EnsureSortedAndFiltered( RecursionType.Expanded );

// Ensure all rows in the specified row collection and the rows in all bands below this band in the
// hierarchy down to the specified lowest level band are synchronously sorted and filtered.
UltraGridChildBand lowestLevelBand = this.ultraGrid1.Rows[3].ChildBands[5];
this.ultraGrid1.Rows[3].ChildBands[2].Rows.EnsureSortedAndFiltered( RecursionType.All, lowestLevelBand );

// The following code demonstrates how to display a wait cursor and specify a synchronous sort and filter
// for a selected set of rows in the grid hierarchy.

       private void ultraGrid1_BeforeSortChange(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeSortChangeEventArgs e)
	        // Set the wait cursor
	        this.ultraGrid1.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

	        // Ensure all rows in the specified hierarchical range are synchronously sorted and filtered
	        UltraGridChildBand lowestLevelBand = this.ultraGrid1.Rows[3].ChildBands[5];
           this.ultraGrid1.Rows[3].ChildBands[2].Rows.EnsureSortedAndFiltered( RecursionType.All, lowestLevelBand );

       private void ultraGrid1_AfterSortChange(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BandEventArgs e)
	        // Reset the wait cursor
	        this.ultraGrid1.Cursor = Cursors.Default;       