バージョン 24.2 (最新)

NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize プロパティ

Outlook ナビゲーション ペインによって表示されるフライアウトの最小サイズを返す/設定します。コントロールの Style プロパティが 'OutlookNavigationPane' に設定されている場合のみ適用されます。
public Size NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize {get; set;}

注: NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize プロパティは、コントロールの Style プロパティが 'OutlookNavigationPane' に設定されている場合のみ適用されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar

    '   Handles the Form's 'Load' event
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        '	Hook the NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying event
        AddHandler Me.ultraExplorerBar1.NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying, AddressOf Me.ultraExplorerBar1_NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying
    End Sub

    '	Handles the ExplorerBar's 'NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying' event.
    Private Sub ultraExplorerBar1_NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventArgs)
        Dim explorerBar As UltraExplorerBar = sender

        '	Set the NavigationPaneFlyoutMaximumSize and NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize
        '	properties to the same value, to prevent it from being resized.
        Dim navigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement As UIElement = explorerBar.NavigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement
        Dim height As Integer = IIf(Not navigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement Is Nothing, navigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement.Rect.Height, 0)
        Dim width As Integer = 200
        Dim flyoutSize As Size = New Size(width, height)
        explorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutMaximumSize = flyoutSize
        explorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize = flyoutSize

        '	Set the PreferredSize property of the event arguments to that size as well.
        e.PreferredSize = flyoutSize
    End Sub
Public Property NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize As Size
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar;
using System.Diagnostics;

		//	Handles the Form's 'Load' event.
		private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//	Hook the NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying event
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying += new NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventHandler( this.ultraExplorerBar1_NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying );

		//	Handles the ExplorerBar's 'NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying' event.
		private void ultraExplorerBar1_NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplaying( object sender, NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventArgs e )
			UltraExplorerBar explorerBar = sender as UltraExplorerBar;

			//	Set the NavigationPaneFlyoutMaximumSize and NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize
			//	properties to the same value, to prevent it from being resized.
			UIElement navigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement = explorerBar.NavigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement;
			int height = navigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement != null ? navigationCurrentGroupAreaUIElement.Rect.Height : 0;
			int width = 200;
			Size flyoutSize = new Size( width, height );
			explorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutMaximumSize = flyoutSize;
			explorerBar.NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize = flyoutSize;

			//	Set the PreferredSize property of the event arguments to that size as well.
			e.PreferredSize = flyoutSize;
Public Property NavigationPaneFlyoutMinimumSize As Size