
ResolveItemAreaAppearance(AppearanceData,AppearancePropFlags,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) メソッド

このグループの ItemArea の外観を解決します。
Public Overloads Sub ResolveItemAreaAppearance( _
   ByRef appearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData, _
   ByRef requestedProps As Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags, _
   ByVal isHotTracking As Boolean, _
   ByVal isActive As Boolean, _
   ByVal isSelected As Boolean, _
   ByVal largeImages As Boolean, _
   ByVal innerArea As Boolean _
public void ResolveItemAreaAppearance( 
   ref Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData appearance,
   ref Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags requestedProps,
   bool isHotTracking,
   bool isActive,
   bool isSelected,
   bool largeImages,
   bool innerArea


解決する AppearanceData 構造体への参照。
True の場合、AppearancesLarge 外観が使用されます。そうでなければ、AppearancesSmall が使用されます。
True の場合、「内側の」項目領域の外観が解決されます。
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar

	Private Sub Button36_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button36.Click

		' All the code below operates on the first Group so make sure we have at
		' least one group.
		If (Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Count < 1) Then
		End If

		' Get the fully resolved appearance for the Item Area of the first Group and display
		' the setting for backcolor.
		Dim appearanceData As AppearanceData = New AppearanceData()
		Dim requestedProperties As AppearancePropFlags = AppearancePropFlags.BackColor

		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).ResolveItemAreaAppearance(appearanceData, requestedProperties)
		Debug.WriteLine("The backcolor for first group's item area is '" + AppearanceData.BackColor.ToString())

		' Get the fully resolved appearance for the Header of the first Group and display
		' the setting for ForeColor.
		appearanceData = New AppearanceData()
		requestedProperties = AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor

		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).ResolveHeaderAppearance(appearanceData, requestedProperties)
		Debug.WriteLine("The forecolor for first group's header is '" + AppearanceData.ForeColor.ToString())

		' Get the fully resolved appearance for the scroll buttons in the first Group and display
		' the settings for BackColor, ForeColor and BorderColor.
		appearanceData = New AppearanceData()
		requestedProperties = AppearancePropFlags.BackColor Or AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor Or AppearancePropFlags.BorderColor

		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).ResolveHeaderAppearance(appearanceData, requestedProperties)
		Debug.WriteLine("The forecolor for first group's scrollbuttons is '" + AppearanceData.ForeColor.ToString())
		Debug.WriteLine("The backcolor for first group's scrollbuttons is '" + AppearanceData.BackColor.ToString())
		Debug.WriteLine("The border color for first group's scrollbuttons is '" + appearanceData.BorderColor.ToString())

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar;

		private void button36_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// All the code below operates on the first Group so make sure we have at
			// least one group.
			if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Count < 1)

			// Get the fully resolved appearance for the Item Area of the first Group and display
			// the setting for backcolor.
			AppearanceData		appearanceData		= new AppearanceData();
			AppearancePropFlags	requestedProperties	= AppearancePropFlags.BackColor;

			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].ResolveItemAreaAppearance(ref appearanceData, ref requestedProperties);
			Debug.WriteLine("The backcolor for first group's item area is '" + appearanceData.BackColor.ToString());

			// Get the fully resolved appearance for the Header of the first Group and display
			// the setting for ForeColor.
			appearanceData		= new AppearanceData();
			requestedProperties	= AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor;

			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].ResolveHeaderAppearance(ref appearanceData, ref requestedProperties);
			Debug.WriteLine("The forecolor for first group's header is '" + appearanceData.ForeColor.ToString());

			// Get the fully resolved appearance for the scroll buttons in the first Group and display
			// the settings for BackColor, ForeColor and BorderColor.
			appearanceData		= new AppearanceData();
			requestedProperties	= AppearancePropFlags.BackColor | AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor | AppearancePropFlags.BorderColor;

			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].ResolveHeaderAppearance(ref appearanceData, ref requestedProperties);
			Debug.WriteLine("The forecolor for first group's scrollbuttons is '" + appearanceData.ForeColor.ToString());
			Debug.WriteLine("The backcolor for first group's scrollbuttons is '" + appearanceData.BackColor.ToString());
			Debug.WriteLine("The border color for first group's scrollbuttons is '" + appearanceData.BorderColor.ToString());