
ReadOnly プロパティ (UltraTextEditor)

Public Property ReadOnly As Boolean
public bool ReadOnly {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        '	Set focus to the control so we can use the text selection related
        '	properties.

        Me.UltraTextEditor1.Text = "[Selected Text]"

        '	Set the start of the selection to the second character
        Me.UltraTextEditor1.SelectionStart = 1

        '	Set the length of the selection to the value of the TextLength
        '	property minus 2, which will result in all of the text inside the square
        '	brackets being selected
        Me.UltraTextEditor1.SelectionLength = Me.UltraTextEditor1.TextLength - 2

        '	Set the SelectedText property, which will result in the currently
        '	selected text being replaced with the value of the SelectedText
        '	property.
        Me.UltraTextEditor1.SelectedText = "Changed"

        '	Set the SelectionLength property to 0, which will result
        '	in all of the text becoming deselected.
        Me.UltraTextEditor1.SelectionLength = 0

        '   Set the ReadOnly property to true so the text cannot be changed
        Me.UltraTextEditor1.ReadOnly = True
    End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//	Set focus to the control so we can use the text selection related
			//	properties.

			this.ultraTextEditor1.Text = "[Selected Text]";

			//	Set the start of the selection to the second character
			this.ultraTextEditor1.SelectionStart = 1;

			//	Set the length of the selection to the value of the TextLength
			//	property minus 2, which will result in all of the text inside the square
			//	brackets being selected
			this.ultraTextEditor1.SelectionLength = this.ultraTextEditor1.TextLength - 2;

			//	Set the SelectedText property, which will result in the currently
			//	selected text being replaced with the value of the SelectedText
			//	property.
			this.ultraTextEditor1.SelectedText = "Changed";

			//	Set the SelectionLength property to 0, which will result
			//	in all of the text becoming deselected.
			this.ultraTextEditor1.SelectionLength = 0;

			//   Set the ReadOnly property to true so the text cannot be changed
			this.UltraTextEditor1.ReadOnly = true;
