
DockableControlPane コンストラクタ(String)

DockableControlPane クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。
Public Function New( _
   ByVal key As String _
public DockableControlPane( 
   string key


Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock

Private Sub CreateGroups(ByVal manager As UltraDockManager)

    ' Create a control pane that will contain the tree control.
    ' the key for the pane is 'treeSolutions'. the key can be used later
    ' to access the control from the control panes collection:
    ' e.g. dim paneSolution as DockableControlPane = manager.ControlPanes("treeSolution")
    Dim paneSolution As DockableControlPane = New DockableControlPane("treeSolution")

    ' Specify the control that it should contain
    paneSolution.Control = Me.treeView1

    ' Specify the text for the caption of the pane.
    paneSolution.Text = "Solution Explorer - Current Project"

    ' Specify a different text for the tab item when the pane is in 
    ' a tab group or has been unpinned. if one is not specified, the
    ' the 'Text' property is used. to get the text that will be displayed
    ' for the tab item, you can use the 'TextTabResolved' property of
    ' the pane
    paneSolution.TextTab = "Solution Explorer"

    ' Initialize the tooltip properties for the pane
    paneSolution.ToolTipCaption = "Solution Explorer - Application"
    paneSolution.ToolTipTab = "Displays the solution information for the current application."

    ' Now create another control pane to contain the other tree control.
    ' the constructor may be passed the control as well as the key
    Dim paneClassView As DockableControlPane = New DockableControlPane("treeClassView", Me.TreeView2)

    ' Initialize the text. if you check the TextTabResolved, it
    ' too will return "Class View"
    paneClassView.Text = "Class View"

    ' Create a new tab group that will contain our tree controls
    Dim tabGroup As DockableGroupPane = New DockableGroupPane()

    ' Now lets add the control panes to a tab group
    tabGroup.Panes.AddRange(New DockablePaneBase() {paneSolution, paneClassView})

    ' The child pane style may be initialized before the panes
    ' are added to the group or anytime after
    tabGroup.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup

    ' Now that the panes are added to the group, we can initialize
    ' which tab should be selected. note, this could change if the
    ' other control gets focus since activating a control will change
    ' the selected tab
    paneClassView.IsSelectedTab = True
    ' alternatively we could set the SelectedTabIndex of the group
    ' e.g. tabGroup.SelectedTabIndex = paneClassView.Index

    ' Now we'll create a control pane to contain our listview
    Dim paneList As DockableControlPane = New DockableControlPane("propertyList", Me.listView1)
    paneList.Text = "Properties"

    ' Now we will position this controls on the form

    ' Create a dock area pane that is docked on the right side of the container
    Dim dockArea As DockAreaPane = New DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedRight)

    ' Add the tab group and the paneList control pane as siblings in the 
    ' new dock area. notice that the 'AddRange' method takes an array of 
    ' 'DockablePaneBase' instances and therefore will accept any combination
    ' of DockableControlPane or DockableGroupPane instances
    dockArea.Panes.AddRange(New DockablePaneBase() {tabGroup, paneList})

    ' We want our dock area to show the tab group and list control
    ' with a horizontal split between them
    dockArea.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.HorizontalSplit

    ' Initialize the dock area to be 200 pixels wide but leave
    ' the default height since its going to be control by the height
    ' of the HostControl - the form or usercontrol
    dockArea.Size = New Size(200, -1)

    ' Lastly, add the dock area to the components dock areas collection

End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void CreateGroups( UltraDockManager manager )

	// Create a control pane that will contain the tree control.
	// the key for the pane is 'treeSolutions'. the key can be used later
	// to access the control from the control panes collection:
	// e.g. DockableControlPane paneSolution = manager.ControlPanes["treeSolution"];
	DockableControlPane paneSolution = new DockableControlPane("treeSolution");

	// Specify the control that it should contain
	paneSolution.Control = this.treeView1;

	// Specify the text for the caption of the pane.
	paneSolution.Text = "Solution Explorer - Current Project";

	// Specify a different text for the tab item when the pane is in 
	// a tab group or has been unpinned. if one is not specified, the
	// the 'Text' property is used. to get the text that will be displayed
	// for the tab item, you can use the 'TextTabResolved' property of
	// the pane
	paneSolution.TextTab = "Solution Explorer";

	// Initialize the tooltip properties for the pane
	paneSolution.ToolTipCaption = "Solution Explorer - Application";
	paneSolution.ToolTipTab = "Displays the solution information for the current application.";

	// Now create another control pane to contain the other tree control.
	// the constructor may be passed the control as well as the key
	DockableControlPane paneClassView = new DockableControlPane("treeClassView", this.treeView2);

	// Initialize the text. if you check the TextTabResolved, it
	// too will return "Class View"
	paneClassView.Text = "Class View";

	// Create a new tab group that will contain our tree controls
	DockableGroupPane tabGroup = new DockableGroupPane();

	// Now lets add the control panes to a tab group
	tabGroup.Panes.AddRange( new DockablePaneBase[] { paneSolution, paneClassView } );

	// The child pane style may be initialized before the panes
	// are added to the group or anytime after
	tabGroup.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup;

	// Now that the panes are added to the group, we can initialize
	// which tab should be selected. note, this could change if the
	// other control gets focus since activating a control will change
	// the selected tab
	paneClassView.IsSelectedTab = true;
	// alternatively we could set the SelectedTabIndex of the group
	// e.g. tabGroup.SelectedTabIndex = paneClassView.Index;

	// Now we'll create a control pane to contain our listview
	DockableControlPane paneList = new DockableControlPane("propertyList", this.listView1);
	paneList.Text = "Properties";

	// Now we will position this controls on the form

	// Create a dock area pane that is docked on the right side of the container
	DockAreaPane dockArea = new DockAreaPane( DockedLocation.DockedRight );

	// Add the tab group and the paneList control pane as siblings in the 
	// new dock area. notice that the 'AddRange' method takes an array of 
	// 'DockablePaneBase' instances and therefore will accept any combination
	// of DockableControlPane or DockableGroupPane instances
	dockArea.Panes.AddRange( new DockablePaneBase[] { tabGroup, paneList } );

	// We want our dock area to show the tab group and list control
	// with a horizontal split between them
	dockArea.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.HorizontalSplit;

	// Initialize the dock area to be 200 pixels wide but leave
	// the default height since its going to be control by the height
	// of the HostControl - the form or usercontrol
	dockArea.Size = new Size( 200, -1 );

	// Lastly, add the dock area to the components dock areas collection
	manager.DockAreas.Add( dockArea );
