
ScatterChart プロパティ

Public Property ScatterChart As ScatterChartAppearance
public ScatterChartAppearance ScatterChart {get; set;}
'sets the character to use for the points
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.Character = "x"
        'sets the font for the Characters in the chart.
        'sets the X and Y columns to use from the data
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.ColumnX = 2
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.ColumnY = 3
        'sets to connect with lines or not connect with lines
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.ConnectWithLines = True
        'turns grouping on or off
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.UseGroupByColumn = True
        'sets the number of the column to group the data by if UseGroupByColumn is turned on
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.GroupByColumn = 1
        'sets the icon to use for the points
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.Icon = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.SymbolIcon.Square
        'sets the icon size
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.IconSize = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.SymbolIconSize.Small
        'sets the drawstyle for the line
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.LineAppearance.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineDrawStyle.DashDot
        'sets how tight to make the line that connects the points, the higher the tension the straighter the line
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.LineAppearance.SplineTension = 4
        'sets the thickness of the line
        UltraChart1.ScatterChart.LineAppearance.Thickness = 3
// sets the character to use for the points
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.Character = "x";
     // sets the font for the Characters in the chart.
     // ultrachart1.scatterchart.characterfont
     // sets the X and Y columns to use from the data
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.ColumnX = 2;
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.ColumnY = 3;
     // sets to connect with lines or not connect with lines
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.ConnectWithLines = True;
     // turns grouping on or off
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.UseGroupByColumn = True;
     // sets the number of the column to group the data by if UseGroupByColumn is turned on
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.GroupByColumn = 1;
     // sets the icon to use for the points
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.Icon = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.SymbolIcon.Square;
     // sets the icon size
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.IconSize = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.SymbolIconSize.Small;
     // sets the drawstyle for the line
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.LineAppearance.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineDrawStyle.DashDot;
     // sets how tight to make the line that connects the points, the higher the tension the straighter the line
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.LineAppearance.SplineTension = 4;
     // sets the thickness of the line
     UltraChart1.ScatterChart.LineAppearance.Thickness = 3;