
CandleChart プロパティ

Public Property CandleChart As CandleChartAppearance
public CandleChartAppearance CandleChart {get; set;}
'show/hide the high/low values
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.HighLowVisible = True
     'color of the Negative Data
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.NegativeRangeColor = Color.Red
     'show/hide the Open/Close Values
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.OpenCloseVisible = True
     'color for the positive Data
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.PositiveRangeColor = Color.Blue
     'SPace bewtween dates
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.SkipN = 2
     'Volume bar color
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.VolumeColor = Color.Yellow
     'show volume bar
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.VolumeVisible = True
     'wick colors
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.WickColor = Color.Orange
     'wick thickness
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.WickThickness = 2
// show/hide the high/low values
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.HighLowVisible = True;
     // color of the Negative Data
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.NegativeRangeColor = Color.Red;
     // show/hide the Open/Close Values
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.OpenCloseVisible = True;
     // color for the positive Data
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.PositiveRangeColor = Color.Blue;
     // space bewtween dates
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.SkipN = 2;
     // volume bar color
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.VolumeColor = Color.Yellow;
     // show volume bar
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.VolumeVisible = True;
     // wick colors
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.WickColor = Color.Orange;
     // wick thickness
     UltraChart1.CandleChart.WickThickness = 2;