
Border プロパティ (UltraChart)

枠の外観 (色、描画スタイル、および太さ) に関する全プロパティのセットです。
Public Property Border As BorderAppearance
public BorderAppearance Border {get; set;}
'sets the color of the border
UltraChart1.Border.Color = Color.Red
'determines how round the corners of the chart are
UltraChart1.Border.CornerRadius = 45
'determines the style used to draw the line
UltraChart1.Border.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.LineDrawStyle.Dash
'whether to raise the border or not
UltraChart1.Border.Raised = True
'how thick to make the border
UltraChart1.Border.Thickness = 3
// sets the color of the border
     UltraChart1.Border.Color = Color.Red;
     // determines how round the corners of the chart are
     UltraChart1.Border.CornerRadius = 45;
     // determines the style used to draw the line
     UltraChart1.Border.DrawStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.LineDrawStyle.Dash;
     // whether to raise the border or not
     UltraChart1.Border.Raised = true;
     // how thick to make the border
     UltraChart1.Border.Thickness = 3;