イベント ハンドラが、このイベントに関連するデータを含む、MouseEventArgs 型の引数を受け取りました。次の MouseEventArgs プロパティには、このイベントの固有の情報が記載されます。
プロパティ | 解説 |
Button | Gets which mouse button was pressed. |
Clicks | Gets the number of times the mouse button was pressed and released. |
Delta | Gets a signed count of the number of detents the mouse wheel has rotated, multiplied by the WHEEL_DELTA constant. A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel. |
Location | Gets the location of the mouse during the generating mouse event. |
X | Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse during the generating mouse event. |
Y | Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse during the generating mouse event. |