
ShowPopup(String,Point,Control,Rectangle,DropDownPosition,Control,Boolean) メソッド

画面座標内の指定したポイントにコンテキスト ポップアップとして PopupToolBase を表示します。その際、指定した四角形の領域がポップアップで隠れないようにします。
Public Overloads Sub ShowPopup( _
   ByVal popupToolKey As String, _
   ByVal screenPoint As Point, _
   ByVal sourceControl As Control, _
   ByVal exclusionRect As Rectangle, _
   ByVal dropdownPosition As Infragistics.Win.DropDownPosition, _
   ByVal owner As Control, _
   ByVal alignRight As Boolean _
public void ShowPopup( 
   string popupToolKey,
   Point screenPoint,
   Control sourceControl,
   Rectangle exclusionRect,
   Infragistics.Win.DropDownPosition dropdownPosition,
   Control owner,
   bool alignRight


画面座標で表された、コンテキスト ポップアップを表示する点。
ポップアップがコンテキスト メニューとして表示されるときのソース コントロール。
ポップアップ メニューで隠れないようにする四角形 (画面座標で指定)。
ExclusionRect を基準として、ポップアップ メニューを表示する位置を決定します。
True の場合は、ドロップダウンの右上隅をロケーション ポイントに配置しようとします。

DockWithinContainer プロパティが設定されない場合、「オーナー」パラメーターを指定する必要があります。

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub Button24_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button24.Click

		If Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Tools.Exists("MyContextMenu") = False Then
			' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
			' Create a PopupMenuTool.
			Dim popupMenuTool As New PopupMenuTool("MyContextMenu")

			' Always add new tools to the UltraToolbarManager's root tools collection
			' before adding them to menus or toolbars.

			' Set some properties on the Popup menu
			PopupMenuTool.Settings.SideStripText = "Infragistics"
			PopupMenuTool.Settings.SideStripWidth = 24
			PopupMenuTool.Settings.IsSideStripVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True

			' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
			' Create a some tools and add them to the menu .
			Dim menuButton1 As New ButtonTool("MenuButton1")
			Dim menuButton2 As New ButtonTool("MenuButton2")
			Dim menuButton3 As New ButtonTool("MenuButton3")

			' Set some properties on the tools.
			menuButton1.SharedProps.Caption = "Option 1"
			menuButton1.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Warning.Handle)
			menuButton2.SharedProps.Caption = "Option 2"
			menuButton2.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Application.Handle)
			menuButton3.SharedProps.Caption = "Option 3"
			menuButton3.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Information.Handle)

			' Always add new tools to the UltraToolbarManager's root tools collection
			' before adding them to menus or toolbars.
			Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Tools.AddRange(New ToolBase() {menuButton1, menuButton2, menuButton3})

			' Add the tools to the popup menu
			popupMenuTool.Tools.AddToolRange(New String() {"MenuButton1", "MenuButton2", "MenuButton3"})

			' Show and position the popup so that its upper left corner is aligned with
			' the lower left corner of the button that generated this click event.
			popupMenuTool.ShowPopup(Me.PointToScreen(New Point(Me.Button24.Left, Me.Button24.Bottom)), _
				  Me.Button24.RectangleToScreen(Me.Button24.ClientRectangle), _
			' Show and position the popup so that its upper left corner is aligned with
			' the lower left corner of the button that generated this click event.
			Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.ShowPopup("MyContextMenu", Me.PointToScreen(New Point(Me.Button24.Left, Me.Button24.Bottom)))
		End If

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void button24_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			if (this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools.Exists("MyContextMenu") == false)
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Create a PopupMenuTool.
				PopupMenuTool popupMenuTool	= new PopupMenuTool("MyContextMenu");

				// Always add new tools to the UltraToolbarManager's root tools collection
				// before adding them to menus or toolbars.

				// Set some properties on the Popup menu
				popupMenuTool.Settings.SideStripText		= "Infragistics";
				popupMenuTool.Settings.SideStripWidth		= 24;
				popupMenuTool.Settings.IsSideStripVisible	= DefaultableBoolean.True;

				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Create a some tools and add them to the menu .
				ButtonTool	menuButton1	= new ButtonTool("MenuButton1");
				ButtonTool	menuButton2	= new ButtonTool("MenuButton2");
				ButtonTool	menuButton3	= new ButtonTool("MenuButton3");

				// Set some properties on the tools.
				menuButton1.SharedProps.Caption	= "Option 1";
				menuButton1.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Warning.Handle);
				menuButton2.SharedProps.Caption	= "Option 2";
				menuButton2.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Application.Handle);
				menuButton3.SharedProps.Caption	= "Option 3";
				menuButton3.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Information.Handle);

				// Always add new tools to the UltraToolbarManager's root tools collection
				// before adding them to menus or toolbars.
				this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools.AddRange(new ToolBase [] {menuButton1, menuButton2, menuButton3} );

				// Add the tools to the popup menu
				popupMenuTool.Tools.AddToolRange(new string [] {"MenuButton1", "MenuButton2", "MenuButton3"} );

				// Show and position the popup so that its upper left corner is aligned with
				// the lower left corner of the button that generated this click event.
				popupMenuTool.ShowPopup(this.PointToScreen(new Point(this.button24.Left, this.button24.Bottom)),
				// Show and position the popup so that its upper left corner is aligned with
				// the lower left corner of the button that generated this click event.
				this.ultraToolbarsManager1.ShowPopup("MyContextMenu", this.PointToScreen(new Point(this.button24.Left, this.button24.Bottom)));
