
UnderlyingTool プロパティ

このツールがポイントする基本的なツールを返します。主に MdiMergePlaceholderTool で使用されます。
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property UnderlyingTool As ToolBase
public virtual ToolBase UnderlyingTool {get;}
MDIPlaceholder ツールでは、このプロパティは、プレースホルダが参照する MDI 子ツールを返します。すべてのその他のツールでは、このプロパティは現在のツールを返します。
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.ToolClick

		Debug.WriteLine("The Tool with key '" + e.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked.  It is of type: '" + e.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'")

		' クリックされたツールのプロパティ情報を表示します
		Debug.IndentLevel += 1

		' ツール オーナーのプロパティ
		If Not e.Tool.Owner Is Nothing Then
			If e.Tool.OwnerIsMenu = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a menu and the menu's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningMenu.Key + "'")
			ElseIf e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbar = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a toolbar and the toolbar's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningToolbar.Key + "'")
			ElseIf e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbarsManager = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("The tool is owned by the toolbars manager and is therefore a root tool.")
			End If
		End If

		' ToolBase.ParentCollection
		If Not e.Tool.ParentCollection Is Nothing Then
			Debug.WriteLine("The tool is in a collection that contains a total of " + e.Tool.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries")
		End If

		' ToolBase.UIElement
		If Not e.Tool.UIElement Is Nothing Then
			Debug.WriteLine("The tool's associated UIElement is of type: '" + e.Tool.UIElement.GetType().ToString() + "'")
			Debug.WriteLine("The tool does NOT have an associated UIElement")
		End If

		' ToolBase.UnderlyingTool
		If TypeOf e.Tool Is MdiMergePlaceholderTool Then
			Debug.WriteLine("The underlying tool type associated with this MDIMergePlaceholderTool is: '" + e.Tool.UnderlyingTool.GetType().ToString())
		End If

		Debug.IndentLevel -= 1

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void ultraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs e)

			Debug.WriteLine("The Tool with key '" + e.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked.  It is of type: '" + e.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'");

			// クリックされたツールのプロパティ情報を表示します

			// ツール オーナーのプロパティ
			if (e.Tool.Owner != null)
				if (e.Tool.OwnerIsMenu == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a menu and the menu's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningMenu.Key + "'");
				else if (e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbar == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a toolbar and the toolbar's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningToolbar.Key + "'");
				else if (e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbarsManager == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("The tool is owned by the toolbars manager and is therefore a root tool.");

			// ToolBase.ParentCollection
			if (e.Tool.ParentCollection != null)
				Debug.WriteLine("The tool is in a collection that contains a total of " + e.Tool.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries"); 

			// ToolBase.UIElement
			if (e.Tool.UIElement != null)
				Debug.WriteLine("The tool's associated UIElement is of type: '" + e.Tool.UIElement.GetType().ToString() + "'"); 
				Debug.WriteLine("The tool does NOT have an associated UIElement"); 

			// ToolBase.UnderlyingTool
			if (e.Tool is MdiMergePlaceholderTool)
				Debug.WriteLine("The underlying tool type associated with this MDIMergePlaceholderTool is: '" + e.Tool.UnderlyingTool.GetType().ToString()); 

