バージョン 22.2

HotTrackFilterBarAppearance プロパティ

PopupGalleryTool ドロップダウン上でホットトラックされたフィルター バーのデフォルトの外観を返すまたは設定します。
public Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase HotTrackFilterBarAppearance {get; set;}

このプロパティは、PopupGalleryTool ドロップダウン上でフィルター バーのデフォルトの外観を返すまたは設定します。

オブジェクトの Appearance プロパティを使用して、外観を決定する Appearance オブジェクトにオブジェクトを関連付けます。Appearanceオブジェクトには、色、境界線、フォント、透明度などの設定を制御するプロパティがあります。UltraWinToolbarsのオブジェクトでは、ほとんどの場合、書式関連のプロパティを直接設定しません。その代わりに Appearance オブジェクトのプロパティを設定することで、その Appearance オブジェクトが関連付けられているオブジェクトの書式設定を制御します。

Appearance オブジェクトのプロパティは、階層式に適用することも可能です。プロパティの中には「use default」値に設定できるものがあります。 これは、オブジェクトの親からプロパティの設定を取得することを意味します。この機能はデフォルトで有効になっているため、設定を変更しないかぎり、子オブジェクトは親に類似し、コントロールの上位階層で設定された書式は下位のオブジェクトに引き継がれます。

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button8.Click
	' Get the gallery from the toolbars manager which will be customized
	Dim gallery As PopupGalleryTool = Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Tools("PopupGalleryTool1")

	' Set the appearance of the filter bar in the gallery drop down.
	gallery.FilterBarAppearance.BackColor = Color.Orange
	gallery.FilterBarAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.Yellow
	gallery.FilterBarAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.GlassTop37

	' Set the appearance of the filter bar when the mouse is over it in the gallery drop down
	gallery.HotTrackFilterBarAppearance.ForeColor = Color.White

	' Leave 15 pixels between the left edge of the drop down and the items in a group.
	gallery.GroupItemAreaPadding.Left = 15

	' Set the appearance of the area behind the items in all groups of the gallery drop down
	gallery.GroupSettings.ItemAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray

	' Leave 10 pixels below each item in the gallery drop down and preview
	gallery.ItemPadding.Bottom = 10

	' Set the display of selected items to select the image only.  For items to be selected,
	' the ItemStyle must be set to StateButton.
	' Note: With this selection display style, if there is no image, the selection will not be displayed.
	gallery.ItemStyle = ItemStyle.StateButton
	gallery.ItemSettings.SelectionDisplayStyle = SelectionDisplayStyle.HighlightImageOnly

	' Set the size of the items in the drop down and preview separately.  If these size are not
	' set, the size will be calculated automatically based on the contents of all items.
	gallery.ItemSizeInDropDown = New Size(50, 50)
	gallery.ItemSizeInPreview = New Size(25, 25)

	' Set the min, max, and preferred drop down columns.  If the min and max are the same, the gallery
	' drop down will only be resizable vertically.
	' Note: If UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility is true, these values may be increased
	' so the gallery drop down always occludes the gallery preview.
	gallery.MinDropDownColumns = 2
	gallery.PreferredDropDownColumns = 3
	gallery.MaxDropDownColumns = 8

	' Set the min and max gallery preview columns.  When resizing the ribbon smaller, if the min columns can
	' no longer fit, the gallery will be changed to a gallery drop down button (if it is smaller).
	gallery.MinPreviewColumns = 3
	gallery.MaxPreviewColumns = 5

	' Set the appearance of the gallery preview in the ribbon
	gallery.PreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightYellow
	gallery.PreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.SkyBlue
	gallery.PreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.VerticalBump

	' Set the appearance of the hot tracked gallery preview in the ribbon
	gallery.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue
	gallery.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightYellow
	gallery.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.VerticalBump

	' Set the ShowItemText to Always so the text of gallery items display their titles and descriptions.
	' Note: For the Always setting to take affect, UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility must
	' be false.  Otherwise, it will automatically be resolved to OnlyInDropDown.
	gallery.ToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility = False
	gallery.ShowItemText = ShowGalleryItemText.Always
End Sub
Public Property HotTrackFilterBarAppearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
	// Get the gallery from the toolbars manager which will be customized
	PopupGalleryTool gallery = (PopupGalleryTool)this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools[ "PopupGalleryTool1" ];

	// Set the appearance of the filter bar in the gallery drop down.
	gallery.FilterBarAppearance.BackColor = Color.Orange;
	gallery.FilterBarAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.Yellow;
	gallery.FilterBarAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.GlassTop37;

	// Set the appearance of the filter bar when the mouse is over it in the gallery drop down
	gallery.HotTrackFilterBarAppearance.ForeColor = Color.White;

	// Leave 15 pixels between the left edge of the drop down and the items in a group.
	gallery.GroupItemAreaPadding.Left = 15;

	// Set the appearance of the area behind the items in all groups of the gallery drop down
	gallery.GroupSettings.ItemAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

	// Leave 10 pixels below each item in the gallery drop down and preview
	gallery.ItemPadding.Bottom = 10;

	// Set the display of selected items to select the image only.  For items to be selected,
	// the ItemStyle must be set to StateButton.
	// Note: With this selection display style, if there is no image, the selection will not be displayed.
	gallery.ItemStyle = ItemStyle.StateButton;
	gallery.ItemSettings.SelectionDisplayStyle = SelectionDisplayStyle.HighlightImageOnly;

	// Set the size of the items in the drop down and preview separately.  If these size are not
	// set, the size will be calculated automatically based on the contents of all items.
	gallery.ItemSizeInDropDown = new Size( 50, 50 );
	gallery.ItemSizeInPreview = new Size( 25, 25 );

	// Set the min, max, and preferred drop down columns.  If the min and max are the same, the gallery
	// drop down will only be resizable vertically.
	// Note: If UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility is true, these values may be increased
	// so the gallery drop down always occludes the gallery preview.
	gallery.MinDropDownColumns = 2;
	gallery.PreferredDropDownColumns = 3;
	gallery.MaxDropDownColumns = 8;

	// Set the min and max gallery preview columns.  When resizing the ribbon smaller, if the min columns can
	// no longer fit, the gallery will be changed to a gallery drop down button (if it is smaller).
	gallery.MinPreviewColumns = 3;
	gallery.MaxPreviewColumns = 5;

	// Set the appearance of the gallery preview in the ribbon
	gallery.PreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
	gallery.PreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.SkyBlue;
	gallery.PreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.VerticalBump;

	// Set the appearance of the hot tracked gallery preview in the ribbon
	gallery.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue;
	gallery.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightYellow;
	gallery.HotTrackPreviewItemAreaAppearance.BackGradientStyle = Infragistics.Win.GradientStyle.VerticalBump;

	// Set the ShowItemText to Always so the text of gallery items display their titles and descriptions.
	// Note: For the Always setting to take affect, UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility must
	// be false.  Otherwise, it will automatically be resolved to OnlyInDropDown.
	gallery.ToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility = false;
	gallery.ShowItemText = ShowGalleryItemText.Always;
Public Property HotTrackFilterBarAppearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase