バージョン 22.2

TipStyle プロパティ

public TipStyleDay TipStyle {get; set;}

UltraMonthViewMultiBase派生クラスは、統合された形式で複数の月を表示するように設計されます。このようにして、クラスには Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti.DayUIElement 内の関連付けられた UltraCalendarInfo からのアクティビティ(AppointmentHoliday、およびNote情報を表示するために使用できるスペースがありません。TipStyle を使用して、マウスを日の上に移動したときに、この情報のいくつかを自動的に表示できます。BeforeDisplayDayToolTipでツールチップをオーバーライドできるため、カスタムのツールチップを表示するために使用することも可能です。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti

    Private Sub SetupTipStyle()

        '	Get a count on each activity type for the currently visible month(s)
        Dim appointments As Integer = 0, holidays As Integer = 0, notes As Integer = 0

        Dim month As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti.VisibleMonth
        For Each month In Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.VisibleMonths
            appointments += month.Month.Appointments.Count
            holidays += month.Month.Holidays.Count
            notes += month.Month.Notes.Count

        '	Set the TipStyle property so that only the most prevalent type
        '	of activity for the currently visible months is displayed in the tooltip
        If (appointments > holidays And appointments > notes) Then
            Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.Appointments
        ElseIf (holidays > appointments And holidays > notes) Then
            Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.Holidays
        ElseIf (notes > appointments And notes > holidays) Then
            Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.Notes
            '	If no one type of activity was any more prevalent than
            '	the other types, set the TipStyle to None
            Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.None
        End If

    End Sub
Public Property TipStyle As TipStyleDay
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti;

		private void SetupTipStyle()

			//	Get a count on each activity type for the currently visible month(s)
			int appointments = 0, holidays = 0, notes = 0;
			foreach ( Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti.VisibleMonth month in this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.VisibleMonths )
				appointments += month.Month.Appointments.Count;
				holidays += month.Month.Holidays.Count;
				notes += month.Month.Notes.Count;

			//	Set the TipStyle property so that only the most prevalent type
			//	of activity for the currently visible months is displayed in the tooltip
			if ( appointments > holidays && appointments > notes )
				this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.Appointments;
			if ( holidays > appointments && holidays > notes )
				this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.Holidays;
			if ( notes > appointments && notes > holidays )
				this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.Notes;
				//	If no one type of activity was any more prevalent than
				//	the other types, set the TipStyle to None
				this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.TipStyle = TipStyleDay.None;

Public Property TipStyle As TipStyleDay