Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Private Sub SetupDayOfWeekCaptionStyle(ByVal hide As Boolean, ByVal firstTwoLetters As Boolean)
' DayOfWeekCaptionStyle
' This example uses the control's DayOfWeekDisplayStyle and DayOfWeekCaptionStyle
' properties to control the way the DayOfWeek captions are displayed
' If the 'hide' parameter is true, set the DayOfWeekDisplayStyle property
' to 'None' and return, since the DayOfWeekCaptionStyle is then irrelevant
If hide Then
Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.DayOfWeekDisplayStyle = DayOfWeekDisplayStyle.None
' Otherwise, set it up to display only in the first row
Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.DayOfWeekDisplayStyle = DayOfWeekDisplayStyle.FirstRow
End If
' If the 'firstTwoLetters' parameter is true, set the DayOfWeekCaptionStyle
' property to FirstTwoLetters so the first 2 letters of the name of the
' day of the week is displayed (e.g., Mo, Tu, We, etc.); otherwise, set it
' to display only one
If (firstTwoLetters) Then
Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.DayOfWeekCaptionStyle = DayOfWeekCaptionStyle.FirstTwoLetters
Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.DayOfWeekCaptionStyle = DayOfWeekCaptionStyle.FirstLetter
End If
End Sub