public Owner GetOwnerAtLogicalColumn( int logicalIndex )
'宣言 Public Function GetOwnerAtLogicalColumn( _ ByVal logicalIndex As Integer _ ) As Owner
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If (Me.UltraDayView1.LogicalColumnCount > 0) Then ' Get the date of the first logical column Dim theDate As DateTime = Me.UltraDayView1.GetDateAtLogicalColumn(0) ' Get the owner at the first logical column Dim owner As owner = Me.UltraDayView1.GetOwnerAtLogicalColumn(0) Debug.WriteLine("The first logical column represents " + theDate.ToShortDateString() + " for owner '" + owner.Name + "'") ' Determine whether the column is currently in view If (Me.UltraDayView1.IsColumnInView(theDate, owner)) Then Debug.WriteLine("The column is currently in view.") Else Debug.WriteLine("The column is currently not in view.") End If End If End Sub
'宣言 Public Function GetOwnerAtLogicalColumn( _ ByVal logicalIndex As Integer _ ) As Owner
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule; using System.Diagnostics; private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if ( this.ultraDayView1.LogicalColumnCount > 0 ) { // Get the date of the first logical column DateTime date = this.ultraDayView1.GetDateAtLogicalColumn( 0 ); // Get the owner at the first logical column Owner owner = this.ultraDayView1.GetOwnerAtLogicalColumn( 0 ); Debug.WriteLine( "The first logical column represents " + date.ToShortDateString() + " for owner '" + owner.Name + "'" ); // Determine whether the column is currently in view if ( this.ultraDayView1.IsColumnInView(date, owner) ) Debug.WriteLine( "The column is currently in view." ); else Debug.WriteLine( "The column is currently not in view." ); } }
'宣言 Public Function GetOwnerAtLogicalColumn( _ ByVal logicalIndex As Integer _ ) As Owner