バージョン 22.2

GetWeekLook(Int32,Int32) メソッド

特定の週と年の WeekLook オブジェクトを返します。
public WeekLook GetWeekLook( 
   int week,
   int year





WeekRuleFirstDayOfWeek が特定の年のある週番号の一部となる日付を決定するため、WeekLook オブジェクトは特定の日付に関連付けられません。代わりに特定の年の週の番号は日付、WeekRule および FirstDayOfWeek に基づいて計算されます。

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

	Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click

		' Use the date associated with today when calling the following methods.
		Dim todaysDate As DateTime = DateTime.Today

		' Get the DayLook object associated with today.
		Dim dayLook As DayLook = Me.UltraCalendarLook1.GetDayLook(todaysDate, True)

		Debug.WriteLine("The DayLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + dayLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString())

		' Get the MonthLook object associated with today.
		Dim monthLook As MonthLook = Me.UltraCalendarLook1.GetMonthLook(todaysDate)

		' NOTE: there are 2 additional overloads for the GetMonthLook method that could
		' be called as follows:
		'dim monthLook as MonthLook = Me.ultraCalendarLook1.GetMonthLook(YearMonthEnum.January, todaysDate.Year)
		'dim monthLook as MonthLook = Me.ultraCalendarLook1.GetMonthLook(todaysDate.Month, todaysDate.Year)

		Debug.WriteLine("The MonthLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + monthLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString())

		' Get the WeekLook object associated with today.
		Dim weekLook As WeekLook = Me.UltraCalendarLook1.GetWeekLook(todaysDate, Me.UltraDayView1.CalendarInfo)

		' NOTE: there is an overload for the GetWeekLook method that could be called as
		' follows:
		'dim weekLook as WeekLook = Me.ultraCalendarLook1.GetWeekLook(Me.ultraDayView1.VisibleDays(0).Day.Week.WeekNumber, todaysDate.Year)

		Debug.WriteLine("The WeekLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + weekLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString())

		' Get the YearLook object associated with today.
		Dim yearLook As YearLook = Me.UltraCalendarLook1.GetYearLook(todaysDate.Year)

		Debug.WriteLine("The YearLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + yearLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString())

	End Sub
Public Overloads Function GetWeekLook( _
   ByVal week As Integer, _
   ByVal year As Integer _
) As WeekLook
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void button7_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			// Use todays date when calling the following methods.
			DateTime todaysDate	= DateTime.Today;

			// Get the DayLook object associated with today.
			DayLook dayLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetDayLook(todaysDate, true);

			Debug.WriteLine("The DayLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + dayLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString());

			// Get the MonthLook object associated with today.
			MonthLook monthLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetMonthLook(todaysDate);

			// NOTE: there are 2 additional overloads for the GetMonthLook method that could
			// be called as follows:
			//MonthLook monthLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetMonthLook(YearMonthEnum.January, todaysDate.Year);
			//MonthLook monthLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetMonthLook(todaysDate.Month, todaysDate.Year);

			Debug.WriteLine("The MonthLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + monthLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString());

			// Get the WeekLook object associated with today.
			WeekLook weekLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetWeekLook(todaysDate, this.ultraDayView1.CalendarInfo);

			// NOTE: there is an overload for the GetWeekLook method that could be called as
			// follows:
			//WeekLook weekLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetWeekLook(this.ultraDayView1.VisibleDays[0].Day.Week.WeekNumber, todaysDate.Year);

			Debug.WriteLine("The WeekLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + weekLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString());

			// Get the YearLook object associated with today.
			YearLook yearLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1.GetYearLook(todaysDate.Year);

			Debug.WriteLine("The YearLook backcolor for today (" + todaysDate.ToShortDateString() + ") is: " + yearLook.Appearance.BackColor.ToString());

Public Overloads Function GetWeekLook( _
   ByVal week As Integer, _
   ByVal year As Integer _
) As WeekLook