'宣言 Public Overridable Sub RefreshSortPosition()
public virtual void RefreshSortPosition()
バンドのすべての行を並べ替え直すには、SortedColumnsCollection オブジェクトの SortedColumnsCollection.RefreshSort メソッドを呼び出します。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid Private Sub Button64_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button64.Click ' Get a band and a column. Dim band As UltraGridBand = Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0) Dim column As UltraGridColumn = band.Columns(0) ' Sort by that column. band.SortedColumns.Clear() band.SortedColumns.Add(column, False) ' Get a row. Dim row As UltraGridRow = Me.ultraGrid1.Rows(0) ' Change the value of the cell associated with the column that the rows are ' sorted by. row.Cells(column).Value = "Sweden" ' Get the index before calling the RefreshSortPosition. Dim oldIndex As Integer = row.Index row.RefreshSortPosition() ' Get the index after calling the RefreshSortPosition. Dim newIndex As Integer = row.Index ' Show a message box with both indexes. MessageBox.Show("Index before RefreshSortPosition = " & oldIndex & vbCrLf & _ "Index after RefreshSortPosition = " & newIndex) End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid; using System.Diagnostics; private void button64_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Get a band and a column. UltraGridBand band = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0]; UltraGridColumn column = band.Columns[0]; // Sort by that column. band.SortedColumns.Clear( ); band.SortedColumns.Add( column, false ); // Get a row. UltraGridRow row = this.ultraGrid1.Rows[0]; // Change the value of the cell associated with the column that the rows are // sorted by. row.Cells[column].Value = "Sweden"; // Get the index before calling the RefreshSortPosition. int oldIndex = row.Index; row.RefreshSortPosition( ); // Get the index after calling the RefreshSortPosition. int newIndex = row.Index; // Show a message box with both indexes. MessageBox.Show( "Index before RefreshSortPosition = " + oldIndex + "\nIndex after RefreshSortPosition = " + newIndex ); }