Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi
Private Sub ultraTabbedMdiManager1_RestoreTab(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi.RestoreTabEventArgs) Handles ultraTabbedMdiManager1.RestoreTab
' The 'RestoreTab' event is invoked during a call to
' LoadFromBinary or LoadFromXml when deserializing the
' serialized MdiTab objects. The event is invoked once
' for each serialized tab so that it may be associated
' with an mdi child. If the Form is not initialized the
' tab will be discarded.
' The 'PersistedInfo' can be used to store any serializable
' value. It is opaque to the tab and can be used to store
' information to help recreate the form that the tab should
' be associated with.
Dim fileName As String = CType(e.Tab.PersistedInfo, String)
' By exiting without setting the 'Form' parameter,
' we're discarding the tab.
If fileName = Nothing Or Not System.IO.File.Exists(fileName) Then
End If
' Create the form that we will associate with the Tab. Normally
' whenever an mdi child form is created, an MdiTab is automatically
' created for the form but during the RestoreTab event, this will
' not happen so that new forms may be created to associate with
' a deserialized tab.
Dim edit As EditForm = New EditForm()
edit.FileName = fileName
' set the MdiParent property of the new form so it
' will be an mdi child form. Since the event could
' be caught somewhere other than the form class, we
' can access the MdiParent via the associated
' UltraTabbedMdiManager's MdiParent.
edit.MdiParent = e.Tab.Manager.MdiParent
' The 'WasVisible' parameter indicates whether the tab
' was part of the HiddenTabs collection when the serialization
' took place. If the visible state is different, then the
' tab will be moved to/from the HiddenTabs collection to/from
' a tab group as needed.
edit.Visible = e.WasVisible
' Set the 'Form' parameter so that the MdiTab will be
' associated with the form.
e.Form = edit
End Sub