
RefreshFilters メソッド (UltraGridLayout)

Public Sub RefreshFilters() 
public void RefreshFilters()

Ultragrid は、データが変更されると行のフィルター条件を評価しません。データが変更され、行フィルター条件を行で評価したい場合にこれは役立ちます。

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

  Private Sub Button104_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button104.Click

      ' Following code filters rows and after rows are filtered, it changes the value of a
      ' row that passed the filter conditions to a value that doesn't pass the filter conditions.
      ' The row won't get filtered out. It will still be visible. To re-filter it out, you 
      ' have to call RefreshFilters method.

      ' Filter rows by Country to show only rows with Country equal UK
      Me.UltraGrid1.Rows.ColumnFilters("Country").FilterConditions.Add(FilterComparisionOperator.Equals, "UK")

      ' Now get the first visible row and then change the Country of that row to France. Remember
      ' Country field of all the visible rows after applying the filter above is UK.
      Dim firstVisibleRow As UltraGridRow = Me.UltraGrid1.Rows.GetRowAtVisibleIndex(0)

      ' Change the Country of the row to France. Once you click this button, you will see
      ' that the first row has it's Country equal to France and all the other rows are
      ' UK.
      firstVisibleRow.Cells("Country").Value = "France"

  End Sub

  Private Sub Button105_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button105.Click

      ' Call RefreshFilters to reevaluate the filter conditions so if the data has changed
      ' in rows they get re-filtered.

  End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button104_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// Following code filters rows and after rows are filtered, it changes the value of a
	// row that passed the filter conditions to a value that doesn't pass the filter conditions.
	// The row won't get filtered out. It will still be visible. To re-filter it out, you 
	// have to call RefreshFilters method.

	// Filter rows by Country to show only rows with Country equal UK
	this.ultraGrid1.Rows.ColumnFilters["Country"].FilterConditions.Add( FilterComparisionOperator.Equals, "UK" );
	// Now get the first visible row and then change the Country of that row to France. Remember
	// Country field of all the visible rows after applying the filter above is UK.
	UltraGridRow firstVisibleRow = this.ultraGrid1.Rows.GetRowAtVisibleIndex( 0 );

	// Change the Country of the row to France. Once you click this button, you will see
	// that the first row has it's Country equal to France and all the other rows are
	// UK.
	firstVisibleRow.Cells["Country"].Value = "France";


private void button105_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// Call RefreshFilters to reevaluate the filter conditions so if the data has changed
	// in rows they get re-filtered.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.RefreshFilters( );			
