
ViewStyle プロパティ (UltraCalendarLook)

UltraCalendarLook コンポーネントの表示スタイルを取得または設定します。コンポーネントのこのインスタンスに関連付けられたコントロールの表示方法を指定します。
Public Property ViewStyle As ViewStyle
public ViewStyle ViewStyle {get; set;}

デフォルト値(Default)のままの場合、ViewStyle プロパティの実際の値は 'Standard' に解決されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click

        '	Toggle the value of the ultraCalendarLook component's
        '	ViewStyle property
        If Me.UltraCalendarLook1.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.Standard Then
            Me.UltraCalendarLook1.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.Office2003
            Me.UltraCalendarLook1.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.Standard
        End If

        '	Iterate through all the controls on this form, and if the
        '	control derives from UltraScheduleControlBase, set its
        '	CalendarLook property to the instance on which we just set the
        '	ViewStyle property.
        Dim control As Control
        For Each control In Me.Controls

                Dim ultraScheduleControl As UltraScheduleControlBase = CType(control, UltraScheduleControlBase)
                If Not ultraScheduleControl Is Nothing Then

                    '	Only set the CalendarLook property if it is not already set
                    If Not ultraScheduleControl.CalendarLook Is Me.UltraCalendarLook1 Then
                        ultraScheduleControl.CalendarLook = Me.UltraCalendarLook1
                    End If
                End If
            End Try

    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//	Toggle the value of the ultraCalendarLook component's
			//	ViewStyle property
			if ( this.ultraCalendarLook1.ViewStyle == ViewStyle.Standard )
				this.ultraCalendarLook1.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.Office2003;
				this.ultraCalendarLook1.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.Standard;

			//	Iterate through all the controls on this form, and if the
			//	control derives from UltraScheduleControlBase, set its
			//	CalendarLook property to the instance on which we just set the
			//	ViewStyle property.
			foreach( Control control in this.Controls )
				UltraScheduleControlBase ultraScheduleControl = control as UltraScheduleControlBase;
				if ( ultraScheduleControl != null )
					//	Only set the CalendarLook property if it is not already set
					if ( ultraScheduleControl.CalendarLook != this.ultraCalendarLook1 )
						ultraScheduleControl.CalendarLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1;