Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi
Private Sub InitializeStateButtonTabGroup(ByVal tabGroup As MdiTabGroup)
' display the tabs as state buttons
tabGroup.Settings.TabStyle = TabStyle.StateButtons
' display a separator bar between the state buttons
tabGroup.Settings.ShowButtonSeparators = DefaultableBoolean.True
' leave 9 pixels of space between the state button tabs
tabGroup.Settings.InterTabSpacing = New DefaultableInteger(9)
' use office xp style buttons for the close and scroll buttons
tabGroup.Settings.ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.OfficeXPToolbarButton
' use the xp style chevron arrow for the scroll buttons
tabGroup.Settings.ScrollArrowStyle = ScrollArrowStyle.WindowsXP
' only show the scroll buttons when needed
tabGroup.Settings.ScrollButtons = DefaultableTabScrollButtons.Automatic
' show the next/previous and next page/ previous page buttons
' and scroll track/thumb when scroll buttons are displayed
tabGroup.Settings.ScrollButtonTypes = ScrollButtonTypes.NextPagePreviousPage Or _
ScrollButtonTypes.NextPrevious Or ScrollButtonTypes.Thumb
' when the scroll track is displayed, it should be no less than 40 pixels
tabGroup.Settings.ScrollTrackExtent = 40
End Sub