
EndDateTime プロパティ (SelectedTimeSlotRange)

現在の TimeSlot 選択の終了日時を返します。
Public Property EndDateTime As Date
public DateTime EndDateTime {get; set;}

注: EndDateTime プロパティに指定された値が StartDateTime プロパティの既存の値よりも時間的に早いとき、値が逆になります。

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

	Private Sub Button15_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button15.Click

		' If the month, day and year of both the range start and range end dates are 1/1/1
		' then no range has been selected by the user.  In this case, display a message and
		' exit.
		Dim startOfRange As DateTime = Me.UltraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.StartDateTime
		Dim endOfRange As DateTime = Me.UltraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.EndDateTime

		If (startOfRange.Month = 1 And startOfRange.Day = 1 And startOfRange.Year = 1 And _
			endOfRange.Month = 1 And endOfRange.Day = 1 And endOfRange.Year = 1) Then
			Debug.WriteLine("There is no currently selected time slot range!")
		End If

		' Display the currently selected time slot range in the output window.
		Dim startOfRangeAsString As String = Me.UltraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.StartDateTime.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt")
		Dim endOfRangeAsString As String = Me.UltraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.EndDateTime.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt")

		Debug.WriteLine("The current SelectedTimeSlotRange is: [Start: " + startOfRangeAsString + "]  [End: " + endOfRangeAsString + "]")

		' Change the selected time slot range by adding 1 hour to the start time and
		' 2 hours to the end time.  Display the updated range in the output window.
		Dim newStartOfRange As DateTime = startOfRange.AddHours(1)
		Dim newEndOfRange As DateTime = endOfRange.AddHours(2)

		Me.UltraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.SetRange(newStartOfRange, newEndOfRange)

		Debug.WriteLine("    The new SelectedTimeSlotRange is: [Start: " + newStartOfRange.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt") + "]  [End: " + newEndOfRange.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt") + "]")

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void button15_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			// If the month, day and year of both the range start and range end dates are 1/1/1
			// then no range has been selected by the user.  In this case, display a message and
			// exit.
			DateTime startOfRange	= this.ultraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.StartDateTime;
			DateTime endOfRange	= this.ultraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.EndDateTime;

			if (startOfRange.Month	== 1  &&  startOfRange.Day	== 1  &&  startOfRange.Year == 1  &&
				endOfRange.Month	== 1  &&  endOfRange.Day	== 1  &&  endOfRange.Year	== 1)
				Debug.WriteLine("There is no currently selected time slot range!");

			// Display the currently selected time slot range in the output window.
			string startOfRangeAsString	= this.ultraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.StartDateTime.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt");
			string endOfRangeAsString	= this.ultraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.EndDateTime.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt");

			Debug.WriteLine("The current SelectedTimeSlotRange is: [Start: " + startOfRangeAsString + "]  [End: " + endOfRangeAsString + "]");

			// Change the selected time slot range by adding 1 hour to the start time and
			// 2 hours to the end time.  Display the updated range in the output window.
			DateTime newStartOfRange	= startOfRange.AddHours((double)1);
			DateTime newEndOfRange	= endOfRange.AddHours((double)2);

			this.ultraDayView1.SelectedTimeSlotRange.SetRange(newStartOfRange, newEndOfRange);

			Debug.WriteLine("    The new SelectedTimeSlotRange is: [Start: " + newStartOfRange.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt") + "]  [End: " + newEndOfRange.ToString("M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt") + "]");
