
DisplayInterval プロパティ

Public Property DisplayInterval As Integer
public int DisplayInterval {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub SetupAppointment()

        '	Create a new Appointment object. Make its start time five minutes from now, and
        '	make its end time a half an hour later
        Dim appointment As Appointment = New Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5.0F), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(35.0F))

        '	Set the subject of the appointment
        appointment.Subject = "Appointment subject"

        '	Set the location of the appointment
        appointment.Location = "Appointment location"

        '	Set the description of the appointment
        appointment.Description = "Appointment description"

        '	Set up a reminder for the appointment, set to activate 5 minutes before
        '	the appointment's start time
        Me.SetReminder(appointment, 5)

        '	Set the AllDayEvent property to false
        appointment.AllDayEvent = False

        '	Set the bar color to red...note that this will only be
        '	displayed by the UltraDayView control.
        appointment.BarColor = Color.Red

        '	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
        appointment.Tag = Me

        '	Now that the appointment has been configured, add it to
        '	the UltraCalendarInfo object's Appointments collection

        '	See if the day that corresponds to the appointment's StartDateTime
        '	is Selected, if it is, make the appointment selected as well
        If appointment.Day.Selected Then appointment.Selected = True

        '	Set up an action to be performed when the appointment activates

    End Sub

    Private Sub SetAction(ByVal appointment As Appointment)

        '	Demonstrates how to use an appointment's Action object property

        '	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
        If appointment Is Nothing Or appointment.Disposed Then Return

        '	Create a new AppointmentAction object
        Dim action As AppointmentAction = New AppointmentAction()

        '	Set the action's command string to launch Notepad
        action.Command = "Notepad.exe"

        '	Create a simple text file, and write the appointment's
        '	description out to it
        Dim fileName As String = Application.CommonAppDataPath + "\action.txt"
        Dim output As TextWriter = File.AppendText(fileName)

        '	Set the action's Parameters property to the text file
        '	we created, so that it will be opened when the action
        '	is launched
        action.Parameters = fileName

			' Set the Action type to 'Execute Program'
			action.Type = AppointmentActionType.ExecuteProgram
        '	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
        action.Tag = Me

        '	Assign the AppointmentAction object to the
        '	specified Appointment's Action property
        appointment.Action = action

        '	Enable the action
        appointment.Action.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub SetReminder(ByVal appointment As Appointment, ByVal minutes As Integer)

        '	Sets a reminder for the specified appointment

        '	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
        If appointment Is Nothing Or appointment.Disposed Then Return

        '	Make sure the value of the minutes parameter is valid
        If minutes < 0 Then Return

        '	Create a new reminder and assign it to the Appointment
        Dim reminder As Reminder = New Reminder()

        '	Set the reminder's Enabled property to false until we are
        '	finished configuring it
        reminder.Enabled = False

        '	Since this method specifies the time to wait in minutes, set
        '	the reminder's DisplayIntervalUnits property to Minutes
        reminder.DisplayIntervalUnits = DisplayIntervalUnits.Minutes

        '	Set the DisplayInterval property to the value of the 'minutes' parameter
        reminder.DisplayInterval = minutes

        '	Set the DialogText property
        reminder.DialogText = "My Reminder"

        '	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
        reminder.Tag = Me

        '	Set the appointment's Reminder property to the
        '	Reminder object we just created
        appointment.Reminder = reminder

        '	Now that it has been configured, set the reminder's
        '	Enabled property to true. This will start the timer.
        reminder.Enabled = True

    End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void SetupAppointment()

			//	Create a new Appointment object. Make its start time five minutes from now and
			//	make its end time a half an hour later
			Appointment appointment = new Appointment( DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 5.0F ), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 35.0F ) );

			//	Set the subject of the appointment
			appointment.Subject = "Appointment subject";

			//	Set the location of the appointment
			appointment.Location = "Appointment location";

			//	Set the description of the appointment
			appointment.Description = "Appointment description";

			//	Set up a reminder for the appointment, set to activate 5 minutes before
			//	the appointment's start time
			this.SetReminder( appointment, 5 );
			//	Set the AllDayEvent property to false
			appointment.AllDayEvent = false;

			//	Set the bar color to red...note that this will only be
			//	displayed by the UltraDayView control.
			appointment.BarColor = Color.Red;

			//	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
			appointment.Tag = this;

			//	Now that the appointment has been configured, add it to
			//	the UltraCalendarInfo object's Appointments collection
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Appointments.Add( appointment );

			//	See if the day that corresponds to the appointment's StartDateTime
			//	is Selected; if it is, make the appointment selected as well
			if ( appointment.Day.Selected )
				appointment.Selected = true;

			//	Set up an action to be performed when the appointment activates
			this.SetAction( appointment );


		private void SetAction( Appointment appointment )

			//	Demonstrates how to use an appointment's Action object property

			//	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
			if ( appointment == null || appointment.Disposed )

			//	Create a new AppointmentAction object
			AppointmentAction action = new AppointmentAction();

			//	Set the action's command string to launch Notepad
			action.Command = "Notepad.exe";

			//	Create a simple text file, and write the appointment's
			//	description out to it
			string fileName = Application.CommonAppDataPath + @"\action.txt";
			TextWriter output = File.AppendText( fileName );
			output.WriteLine( appointment.Description );

			//	Set the action's Parameters property to the text file
			//	we created, so that it will be opened when the action
			//	is launched
			action.Parameters = fileName;

			// Set the Action type to 'Execute Program'
			action.Type = AppointmentActionType.ExecuteProgram;

			//	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
			action.Tag = this;

			//	Assign the AppointmentAction object to the
			//	specified Appointment's Action property
			appointment.Action = action;

			//	Enable the action
			appointment.Action.Enabled = true;


		private void SetReminder( Appointment appointment, int minutes )

			//	Sets a reminder for the specified appointment

			//	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
			if ( appointment == null || appointment.Disposed )

			//	Make sure the value of the minutes parameter is valid
			if ( minutes < 0 )

			//	Create a new reminder and assign it to the Appointment
			Reminder reminder = new Reminder();

			//	Set the reminder's Enabled property to false until we are
			//	finished configuring it
			reminder.Enabled = false;

			//	Since this method specifies the time to wait in minutes, set
			//	the reminder's DisplayIntervalUnits property to Minutes
			reminder.DisplayIntervalUnits = DisplayIntervalUnits.Minutes;

			//	Set the DisplayInterval property to the value of the 'minutes' parameter
			reminder.DisplayInterval = minutes;

			//	Set the DialogText property
			reminder.DialogText = "My Reminder";

			//	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
			reminder.Tag = this;

			//	Set the appointment's Reminder property to the
			//	Reminder object we just created
			appointment.Reminder = reminder;

			//	Now that it has been configured, set the reminder's
			//	Enabled property to true. This will start the timer.
			reminder.Enabled = true;
