Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button5.Click
' Get the gallery from the toolbars manager whose item will be customized
Dim gallery As PopupGalleryTool = Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Tools("PopupGalleryTool1")
' Set the delay for activating the first item in the gallery. The user can mouse over
' various items, but if they leave the item before 1000ms has ellapsed, the
' GalleryToolActiveItemChange event will never fire. However, if the user does hover
' over an item for 1000ms, the event will fire and the ActivationActionDelay will be used
' to determine how long to wait to activate other items.
' NOTE: When UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility is true, these delays will
' automatically be resolved to 250ms and 0ms, respectively, for gallery previews in the ribbon.
gallery.ActivationInitialActionDelay = 1000
' After the first item has been activated, subsequent items will be activated immediately
gallery.ActivationActionDelay = 0
End Sub
Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_GalleryToolActiveItemChange(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.GalleryToolItemEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.GalleryToolActiveItemChange
' The Item property needs to be checked for Nothing, because when an item has been
' activated, and the cursor has left the item area of the gallery, this event
' will be fired with a Nothing Item.
If Not (e.Item Is Nothing) Then
' Use the information from the event args to get the ui element showing the
' item that was activated.
Dim itemElement As Infragistics.Win.UIElement = e.Item.GetUIElement(e.GalleryTool, e.Group, e.ItemLocation)
' Determine the screen location of the item's top-left corner
Dim screenLocation As Point = itemElement.Control.PointToScreen(itemElement.Rect.Location)
' Set the text of the form to indicate which item has been activated
' and where it is location, both the screen location and the type of
' gallery area it was displayed in (preview or drop down).
Me.Text = _
"Live Preview activated for """ & e.Item.Title & """ in the " & _
e.ItemLocation.ToString() & " area at " & screenLocation.ToString()
' If the Item is Nothing, the the cursor has left the item area and there
' is no longer an active item.
Me.Text = "Live Preview deactivated from the " & e.ItemLocation.ToString() & " area"
End If
End Sub