バージョン 21.2

Style プロパティ (UltraMessageBoxInfo)

UltraMessageBox の表示スタイルを取得または設定します。
public MessageBoxStyle Style {get; set;}
Private Sub ShowContinueMessage(ByVal message As String) 
    Using ultraMessageBoxInfo As New UltraMessageBoxInfo() 
        ' Set the general display style 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Style = MessageBoxStyle.Vista 
        ' Set the text for the Text, Caption, Header and Footer 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Text = message 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Caption = "Continue?" 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Header = "Would you like to continue" 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Footer = "Continuing without restarting can produce unpredictable behaviors." 
        ' Specify which buttons should be used and which is the default button 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.DefaultButton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.ShowHelpButton = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.[False] 
        ' Display the OS Error Icon 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.[Error] 
        ' Disable the default sounds 
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.EnableSounds = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.[False] 
        ' Show the UltraMessageBox 
    End Using 
End Sub
Public Property Style As MessageBoxStyle
private void ShowContinueMessage(string message)
    using (UltraMessageBoxInfo ultraMessageBoxInfo = new UltraMessageBoxInfo())
        // Set the general display style
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Style = MessageBoxStyle.Vista;

        // Set the text for the Text, Caption, Header and Footer
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Text = message;
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Caption = "Continue?";
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Header = "Would you like to continue";
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Footer = "Continuing without restarting can produce unpredictable behaviors.";

        // Specify which buttons should be used and which is the default button
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore;
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.DefaultButton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2;
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.ShowHelpButton = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;

        // Display the OS Error Icon
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;

        // Disable the default sounds
        ultraMessageBoxInfo.EnableSounds = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;

        // Show the UltraMessageBox
Public Property Style As MessageBoxStyle