
PaneDoubleClickAction 列挙体

Public Enum PaneDoubleClickAction 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum PaneDoubleClickAction : System.Enum 
Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock

Private Sub PreventDockPaneSizing(ByVal manager As UltraDockManager)

    ' Don't show any of the caption buttons
    manager.ShowCloseButton = False
    manager.ShowMaximizeButton = False
    manager.ShowMinimizeButton = False
    manager.ShowPinButton = False

    ' Do not allow the pane to be repositioned
    manager.DefaultPaneSettings.AllowDragging = DefaultableBoolean.False

    ' Prevent double clicking on the pane caption, tab item
    ' and sliding group item from changing its docked state
    manager.DefaultPaneSettings.DoubleClickAction = PaneDoubleClickAction.None

    ' Don't allow a pane to be resize - this affects splitter
    ' bars and dragging the borders of a floating window. since
    ' the dock manager's dock areas (when not floating) are docked
    ' to the container, the dock areas will still resize with changes
    ' to the size of the container - i.e. resizing the form
    manager.DefaultPaneSettings.AllowResize = DefaultableBoolean.False

    ' Since showing the pin button affects whether the unpinned
    ' tab areas are displayed, let the unpinned tab area be
    ' displayed if there are any unpinned panes
    manager.ShowUnpinnedTabAreas = DefaultableBoolean.True

End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void PreventDockPaneSizing( UltraDockManager manager )

	// Don't show any of the caption buttons
	manager.ShowCloseButton = false;
	manager.ShowMaximizeButton = false;
	manager.ShowMinimizeButton = false;
	manager.ShowPinButton = false;
	// Do not allow the pane to be repositioned
	manager.DefaultPaneSettings.AllowDragging = DefaultableBoolean.False;

	// Prevent double clicking on the pane caption, tab item
	// and sliding group item from changing its docked state
	manager.DefaultPaneSettings.DoubleClickAction = PaneDoubleClickAction.None;

	// Don't allow a pane to be resize - this affects splitter
	// bars and dragging the borders of a floating window. since
	// the dock manager's dock areas (when not floating) are docked
	// to the container, the dock areas will still resize with changes
	// to the size of the container - i.e. resizing the form
	manager.DefaultPaneSettings.AllowResize = DefaultableBoolean.False;

	// Since showing the pin button affects whether the unpinned
	// tab areas are displayed, let the unpinned tab area be
	// displayed if there are any unpinned panes
	manager.ShowUnpinnedTabAreas = DefaultableBoolean.True;
