public UltraGridRow GetSibling( SiblingRow sibling )
'宣言 Public Overloads Function GetSibling( _ ByVal sibling As SiblingRow _ ) As UltraGridRow
このメソッドを起動して、行の最初、最後、次、または前の兄弟行への参照を返します。兄弟行が存在しない場合、このメソッドは Nothing を返します。
spanbands 引数は、他のバンドの行が兄弟と考えられるかどうかを示すために使用できます。
HasNextSibling および HasPrevSibling メソッドを起動して、行がその前後に兄弟行をそれぞれ持つかどうかを決定します。
GetChild メソッドおよび HasParent プロパティを使用して、子行および親行への参照をそれぞれ返すことができます。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid Private Sub TraverseAllRowsHelper(ByVal startRow As UltraGridRow, ByRef rowsCount As Integer, ByRef groupByRowsCount As Integer) Dim row As UltraGridRow = startRow While Not row Is Nothing If TypeOf row Is UltraGridGroupByRow Then ' Write code here to process the group by row. groupByRowsCount += 1 Else ' Write code here to process the regular by row. rowsCount += 1 End If ' If the row has any child rows, then process them too. If row.HasChild(False) Then Me.TraverseAllRowsHelper(row.GetChild(ChildRow.First), rowsCount, groupByRowsCount) End If row = row.GetSibling(SiblingRow.Next, True, False) End While End Sub Private Sub Button71_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button71.Click Dim rowsCount As Integer = 0 Dim groupByRowsCount As Integer = 0 ' Get the first row in the UltraGrid. Dim firstRow As UltraGridRow = Me.ultraGrid1.GetRow(ChildRow.First) ' Call the helper method which is a recursive implmentation for traversing rows. MessageBox.Show("Please wait. This operation may take a while depending on number of rows.") Me.TraverseAllRowsHelper(firstRow, rowsCount, groupByRowsCount) ' Show a dialog showing the number of regular rows and number of group-by rows. MessageBox.Show("The UltraGrid has " & rowsCount & " number of regular rows, and " & groupByRowsCount & " number of group-by rows.") End Sub
'宣言 Public Overloads Function GetSibling( _ ByVal sibling As SiblingRow _ ) As UltraGridRow
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid; using System.Diagnostics; private void TraverseAllRowsHelper( UltraGridRow startRow, ref int rowsCount, ref int groupByRowsCount ) { UltraGridRow row = startRow; while ( null != row ) { if ( row is UltraGridGroupByRow ) { // Write code here to process the group by row. groupByRowsCount++; } else { // Write code here to process the regular by row. rowsCount++; } // If the row has any child rows, then process them too. if ( row.HasChild( false ) ) { this.TraverseAllRowsHelper( row.GetChild( ChildRow.First ), ref rowsCount, ref groupByRowsCount ); } row = row.GetSibling( SiblingRow.Next, true, false ); } } private void button71_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int rowsCount = 0; int groupByRowsCount = 0; // Get the first row in the UltraGrid. UltraGridRow firstRow = this.ultraGrid1.GetRow( ChildRow.First ); // Call the helper method which is a recursive implmentation for traversing rows. MessageBox.Show( "Please wait. This operation may take a while depending on number of rows." ); this.TraverseAllRowsHelper( firstRow, ref rowsCount, ref groupByRowsCount ); // Show a dialog showing the number of regular rows and number of group-by rows. MessageBox.Show( "The UltraGrid has " + rowsCount + " number of regular rows, and " + groupByRowsCount + " number of group-by rows." ); }
'宣言 Public Overloads Function GetSibling( _ ByVal sibling As SiblingRow _ ) As UltraGridRow