Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinProgressBar
Private Sub InitializeProgessBar()
With Me.ultraProgressBar1
' Note: Under Windows XP if the 'SupportThemes' property
' is left set to True (its default setting) then some of
' the explicit appearance and border style property
' settings are ignored.
.SupportThemes = False
' Set the appearance of the status bar control
' to use a gradient.
.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Gray
.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.White
.Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.HorizontalBump
.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red
' Set the appearance for the 'fill' area of the
' status bar control to use a different gradient.
.FillAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue
.FillAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.White
.FillAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.HorizontalBump
.FillAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Red
' Set the border style for the control
.BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.Etched
' Set the minimum, maximum, and value properties.
' For the case below where the minimum value is 45,
' the maximum is 85 and the value is 55, the status
' bar would display 25%. This is because the entire
' range is 40 (85 - 45) and the relative value is 10
' (55 - 45).
.Minimum = 45
.Maximum = 85
.Value = 55
' Set the amount to increment the value when
' the 'PerformStep' method is called.
.Step = 5
' Set the orientation of the control.
.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
' Set a percent format. The default format is
' "P0" which shows only the percent integer
' value. The "P1" setting below will format
' the percentage with place after the decimal
' point (e.g.. "34.5%").
.PercentFormat = "P1"
' Set the 'text' property to a string that
' contains some substitution strings. The
' code below will cause the progress bar's
' to display its value like the following:
' "Done: 34.4, remaining"
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
' Note: There are 10 different substitution string
' constants defined on UltraProgressBar. They are
' prefixed with 'LABEL_'.
' The LABEL_FORMATTED substitution string
' will cause the formatted percent completed
' value to be substitued here.
sb.Append("Done: ")
' string will cause the formatted percent
' remaining value to be substitued here.
sb.Append(", remaining: ")
' Set the 'Text' property of the control.
' Note: this corresponds to the 'Label' property
' on the IProgressBarInfo interface.
.Text = sb.ToString()
' Set the style of the progress bar to show a
' segmented fill.
.Style = ProgressBarStyle.SegmentedPartial
' Set the width of each segement. If the default
' value of -1 is kept the control will calculate
' a reasonable default segment width based on
' the progress bar control's width and height.
.SegmentWidth = 6
' Set the TextVisible property. The default
' value is true so the line below isn't
' required.
' Note: this corresponds to the 'ShowLabel'
' property on the IProgressBarInfo interface.
.TextVisible = True
End With
End Sub