
AllowCellSpanSizing プロパティ (UltraTreeColumnSet)

この UltraTreeColumnSet インスタンスの Columns コレクション内の列にあるセルのスパン サイズをエンドユーザーが変更できるかどうかを取得または設定します。
Public Property AllowCellSpanSizing As Infragistics.Win.Layout.GridBagLayoutAllowSpanSizing
public Infragistics.Win.Layout.GridBagLayoutAllowSpanSizing AllowCellSpanSizing {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.Layout
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim rootColumnSet As UltraTreeColumnSet = Me.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet

        '	Disallow cell sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.AllowCellSizing = LayoutSizing.None

        '	Disallow cell span sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.AllowCellSpanSizing = GridBagLayoutAllowSpanSizing.None

        '	Disallow moving for all columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.AllowColMoving = GridBagLayoutAllowMoving.None

        '	Disallow header sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.AllowLabelSizing = LayoutSizing.None

        '	Disallow header span sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.AllowLabelSpanSizing = GridBagLayoutAllowSpanSizing.None

        '	Disallow sorting for all columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.AllowSorting = DefaultableBoolean.False

        '	Don't display cell borders for any columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.BorderStyleCell = UIElementBorderStyle.None

        '	Don't display header borders for any columns in the Columns collection
        rootColumnSet.BorderStyleColumnHeader = UIElementBorderStyle.None

        '	Set the BackColor for all cells in all columns to 'Control'
        rootColumnSet.CellAppearance.BackColor = SystemColors.Control

        '	Set CellWrapText to False to prevent text from
        '	wrapping to additional lines in all columns
        rootColumnSet.CellWrapText = DefaultableBoolean.False

        '	Set ColumnAutoSizeMode to 'VisibleNodes' so that when the end
        '	user auto-sizes a column, only currently visible cells are considered
        rootColumnSet.ColumnAutoSizeMode = ColumnAutoSizeMode.VisibleNodes

        '	Set the HeaderStyle property to 'Standard', so that column headers
        '	are not themed, and set the BackColor of the ColumnHeaderAppearance
        '	to 'ControlDark'.
        rootColumnSet.HeaderStyle = HeaderStyle.Standard
        rootColumnSet.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark

        '	Change the size of images displayed in the headers to 20w X 20h
        rootColumnSet.ColumnHeaderImageSize = New Size(20, 20)

        '	If there is currently no ExpansionIndicatorColumn, set the
        '	CanShowExpansionIndicator property to true for the
        '	'CompanyName' column
        If rootColumnSet.ExpansionIndicatorColumn Is Nothing Then
            rootColumnSet.Columns("CompanyName").CanShowExpansionIndicator = DefaultableBoolean.True
        End If

        '	Set the LabelPosition property ot display headers on top of cells,
        '	and set the LabelStyle property to display headers and cells
        '	separately.
        rootColumnSet.LabelPosition = NodeLayoutLabelPosition.Top
        rootColumnSet.LabelStyle = NodeLayoutLabelStyle.Separate

        '	Assign the 'CompanyName' column to the NodeTextColumn property,
        '	so that the value of the Text property is obtained from the cell
        '	in the 'CompanyName' column.
        rootColumnSet.NodeTextColumn = rootColumnSet.Columns("CompanyName")

        '	Set the NullText property to "[NULL]" so that null values in any
        '	cell for all columns is displayed the same way.
        rootColumnSet.NullText = "[NULL]"

        '	Show sort indicators for all columns
        rootColumnSet.ShowSortIndicators = DefaultableBoolean.True
    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.Layout;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree;
using System.Diagnostics;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			UltraTreeColumnSet rootColumnSet = this.ultraTree1.ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet;
			//	Disallow cell sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.AllowCellSizing = LayoutSizing.None;

			//	Disallow cell span sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.AllowCellSpanSizing = GridBagLayoutAllowSpanSizing.None;

			//	Disallow moving for all columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.AllowColMoving = GridBagLayoutAllowMoving.None;

			//	Disallow header sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.AllowLabelSizing = LayoutSizing.None;

			//	Disallow header span sizing for all columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.AllowLabelSpanSizing = GridBagLayoutAllowSpanSizing.None;

			//	Disallow sorting for all columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.AllowSorting = DefaultableBoolean.False;

			//	Don't display cell borders for any columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.BorderStyleCell = UIElementBorderStyle.None;

			//	Don't display header borders for any columns in the Columns collection
			rootColumnSet.BorderStyleColumnHeader = UIElementBorderStyle.None;

			//	Set the BackColor for all cells in all columns to 'Control'
			rootColumnSet.CellAppearance.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;

			//	Set CellWrapText to False to prevent text from
			//	wrapping to additional lines in all columns
			rootColumnSet.CellWrapText = DefaultableBoolean.False;

			//	Set ColumnAutoSizeMode to 'VisibleNodes' so that when the end
			//	user auto-sizes a column, only currently visible cells are considered
			rootColumnSet.ColumnAutoSizeMode = ColumnAutoSizeMode.VisibleNodes;

			//	Set the HeaderStyle property to 'Standard', so that column headers
			//	are not themed, and set the BackColor of the ColumnHeaderAppearance
			//	to 'ControlDark'.
			rootColumnSet.HeaderStyle = HeaderStyle.Standard;
			rootColumnSet.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;

			//	Change the size of images displayed in the headers to 20w X 20h
			rootColumnSet.ColumnHeaderImageSize = new Size( 20, 20 );

			//	If there is currently no ExpansionIndicatorColumn, set the
			//	CanShowExpansionIndicator property to true for the
			//	'CompanyName' column
			if ( rootColumnSet.ExpansionIndicatorColumn == null )
				rootColumnSet.Columns["CompanyName"].CanShowExpansionIndicator = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			//	Set the LabelPosition property ot display headers on top of cells,
			//	and set the LabelStyle property to display headers and cells
			//	separately.
			rootColumnSet.LabelPosition = NodeLayoutLabelPosition.Top;
			rootColumnSet.LabelStyle = NodeLayoutLabelStyle.Separate;

			//	Assign the 'CompanyName' column to the NodeTextColumn property,
			//	so that the value of the Text property is obtained from the cell
			//	in the 'CompanyName' column.
			rootColumnSet.NodeTextColumn = rootColumnSet.Columns["CompanyName"];

			//	Set the NullText property to "[NULL]" so that null values in any
			//	cell for all columns is displayed the same way.
			rootColumnSet.NullText = "[NULL]";

			//	Show sort indicators for all columns
			rootColumnSet.ShowSortIndicators = DefaultableBoolean.True;			