バージョン 20.1

ColumnAutoSizing プロパティ

ユーザーがヘッダーの調整可能の領域をダブルクリックしたときに、ColumnWidth プロパティの値が PrimaryIntervalにとって理想的な幅に設定されるかどうかを示す値を取得または設定します。
public TimelineViewColumnAutoSizing ColumnAutoSizing {get; set;}

注: ColumnSizing プロパティを None または Column に設定した場合は、ColumnAutoSizing プロパティが無効です。ユーザーは列のサイズを自動的に変更できるのにヘッダーのサイズ変更を有効にする必要があります。

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics

    Public Sub InitColumnProps(ByVal control As UltraTimelineView)

        '  Set ColumnAutoSizing to 'AllVisibleIntervals' so that when the user auto-sizes
        '  the columns, the width required to show the additional interval's captions is considered
        control.ColumnAutoSizing = TimelineViewColumnAutoSizing.AllVisibleIntervals

        '  Use the ColumnHeaderAppearance to customize the look for all headers
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.White
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightBlue
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BorderColor = Color.DarkBlue
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue

        '  Don't show images on the headers
        control.ColumnHeaderImageVisible = False

        '  Only display the minutes for the primary interval, if there is
        '  an additional interval being displayed for the hours.
        Dim hasHourInterval As Boolean = False
        For Each dti As DateTimeInterval In control.VisibleIntervals

            Dim timeInterval As TimeInterval = IIf(dti.GetType() Is GetType(TimeInterval), dti, Nothing)
            If Not timeInterval Is Nothing AndAlso timeInterval.IntervalUnits = TimeIntervalUnits.Hours Then
                hasHourInterval = True
            End If

        control.PrimaryInterval.HeaderTextFormat = IIf(hasHourInterval, "mm", Nothing)

        '  Orient the text for the primary interval on a diagonal
        control.PrimaryInterval.HeaderTextOrientation = New TextOrientationInfo(45, TextFlowDirection.Horizontal)

        '  Set the ideal width for the column headers
    End Sub
Public Property ColumnAutoSizing As TimelineViewColumnAutoSizing
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.Diagnostics;

    public void InitColumnProps( UltraTimelineView control )
        //  Set ColumnAutoSizing to 'AllVisibleIntervals' so that when the user auto-sizes
        //  the columns, the width required to show the additional interval's captions is considered
        control.ColumnAutoSizing = TimelineViewColumnAutoSizing.AllVisibleIntervals;

        //  Use the ColumnHeaderAppearance to customize the look for all headers
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.White;
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightBlue;
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.BorderColor = Color.DarkBlue;
        control.ColumnHeaderAppearance.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue;

        //  Don't show images on the headers
        control.ColumnHeaderImageVisible = false;

        //  Only display the minutes for the primary interval, if there is
        //  an additional interval being displayed for the hours.
        bool hasHourInterval = false;
        foreach( DateTimeInterval dti in control.VisibleIntervals )
            TimeInterval timeInterval = dti as TimeInterval;
            if ( timeInterval != null && timeInterval.IntervalUnits == TimeIntervalUnits.Hours )
                hasHourInterval = true;

        control.PrimaryInterval.HeaderTextFormat = hasHourInterval ? "mm" : null;

        //  Orient the text for the primary interval on a diagonal
        control.PrimaryInterval.HeaderTextOrientation = new TextOrientationInfo(45, TextFlowDirection.Horizontal);

        //  Set the ideal width for the column headers
        control.PerformColumnAutoResize( TimelineViewColumnAutoSizing.AllVisibleIntervals );
Public Property ColumnAutoSizing As TimelineViewColumnAutoSizing