'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property ValueLists As Infragistics.Win.ValueListsCollection
public Infragistics.Win.ValueListsCollection ValueLists {get;}
ValueLists プロパティは、UltraWinGrid に関連する ValueList オブジェクトのコレクションにアクセスするために使用されます。ValueList オブジェクトは、セルを含む列がその Style プロパティをドロップダウン リスト スタイルのひとつに設定している場合、セルに表示されるドロップダウン リストの内容を提供するために使用されます。
コレクションの各 ValueList オブジェクトは、Index または Key 値を使用してアクセスできます。Key 値を使用することが賢明です。コレクション内のオブジェクトの順序(およびその Index 値)は、コレクションに追加する、およびコレクションから削除されると変更される場合があるからです。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid Private Sub Button9_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button9.Click ' If the value list has already been created, then return since we ' don't want to recreate it again. If Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ValueLists.Exists("VL1") Then Return ' Create a value list with the key of VL1. Dim valueList As valueList = Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ValueLists.Add("VL1") ' Add some items to it. Here the items added have numeric data values and ' associated display texts. What the user sees in the cells is the display ' text for these underlying numeric data value. Also when the user modifies ' a cell and selects one of the item, what goes in the data source is the ' associated numeric value. valueList.ValueListItems.Add(1, "One") valueList.ValueListItems.Add(2, "Two") valueList.ValueListItems.Add(3, "Three") valueList.ValueListItems.Add(4, "Four") valueList.ValueListItems.Add(5, "Five") ' Get the column you want to use the value list in. Dim column As UltraGridColumn = Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(0) ' Now assign the value list to that column. column.ValueList = valueList ' Optionally set the style of that column to an appropriate drop down style. ' DropDownValidate style ensures that the user enters only the values found ' in the value list. column.Style = ColumnStyle.DropDownValidate ' When AutoEdit is turned on on a column with value list assigned to it, the ' UltraGrid auto-completes the text in the cell as the user types to a matching ' item in the value list. This is enabled by default, however you can turn it ' off by setting AutoEdit to false. column.AutoEdit = False End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid; using System.Diagnostics; private void button9_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // If the value list has already been created, then return since we // don't want to recreate it again. if ( this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ValueLists.Exists( "VL1" ) ) return; // Create a value list with the key of VL1. ValueList valueList = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ValueLists.Add( "VL1" ); // Add some items to it. Here the items added have numeric data values and // associated display texts. What the user sees in the cells is the display // text for these underlying numeric data value. Also when the user modifies // a cell and selects one of the item, what goes in the data source is the // associated numeric value. valueList.ValueListItems.Add( 1, "One" ); valueList.ValueListItems.Add( 2, "Two" ); valueList.ValueListItems.Add( 3, "Three" ); valueList.ValueListItems.Add( 4, "Four" ); valueList.ValueListItems.Add( 5, "Five" ); // Get the column you want to use the value list in. UltraGridColumn column = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0]; // Now assign the value list to that column. column.ValueList = valueList; // Optionally set the style of that column to an appropriate drop down style. // DropDownValidate style ensures that the user enters only the values found // in the value list. column.Style = ColumnStyle.DropDownValidate; // When AutoEdit is turned on on a column with value list assigned to it, the // UltraGrid auto-completes the text in the cell as the user types to a matching // item in the value list. This is enabled by default, however you can turn it // off by setting AutoEdit to false. column.AutoEdit = false; }