バージョン 20.1

OwnerHeaderImageVisible プロパティ

画像がオーナー ヘッダーに表示するかどうかを決定する値を取得または設定します。
public bool OwnerHeaderImageVisible {get; set;}
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics

    Public Sub InitOwnerProps(ByVal control As UltraTimelineView)

        '  Hide the unassigned owner
        control.CalendarInfo.Owners.UnassignedOwner.Visible = False

        '  Make each owner appear as a separate row in the control
        '  Make the header text run horizontally from left to right.
        control.OwnerGroupingStyle = TimelineViewOwnerGroupingStyle.Separate
        control.OwnerHeaderTextOrientation = New TextOrientationInfo(0, TextFlowDirection.Horizontal)

        '  Make three owners visible initially.
        control.MaximumOwnersInView = 3

        '  Show owner headers.
        control.OwnerHeadersVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True

        '  Make the image size (32 x 32), and align the image with
        '  the bottom of the header so it appears under the text.
        control.OwnerHeaderImageVisible = True
        control.OwnerHeaderImageSize = New Size(32, 32)
        control.OwnerHeaderAppearance.ImageHAlign = HAlign.Center
        control.OwnerHeaderAppearance.ImageVAlign = VAlign.Bottom

        '  Activate the first visible owner use the ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance
        '  to customize the look.
        control.ActiveOwner = control.CalendarInfo.VisibleOwners(0)
        control.ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.White
        control.ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightBlue
        control.ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance.BorderColor = Color.DarkBlue

        '  Allow sizing of the owner rows only from the header
        '  Impose a minimum resize height so that at least one
        '  row of appointments can be displayed.
        control.OwnerSizing = TimelineViewOwnerSizing.Header
        control.MinimumRowResizeHeight = control.ActivityHeightResolved + Padding
    End Sub
Public Property OwnerHeaderImageVisible As Boolean
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.Diagnostics;

    public void InitOwnerProps( UltraTimelineView control )
        //  Hide the unassigned owner
        control.CalendarInfo.Owners.UnassignedOwner.Visible = false;

        //  Make each owner appear as a separate row in the control;
        //  Make the header text run horizontally from left to right.
        control.OwnerGroupingStyle = TimelineViewOwnerGroupingStyle.Separate;
        control.OwnerHeaderTextOrientation = new TextOrientationInfo(0, TextFlowDirection.Horizontal);

        //  Make three owners visible initially.
        control.MaximumOwnersInView = 3;

        //  Show owner headers.
        control.OwnerHeadersVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True;

        //  Make the image size (32 x 32), and align the image with
        //  the bottom of the header so it appears under the text.
        control.OwnerHeaderImageVisible = true;
        control.OwnerHeaderImageSize = new Size(32, 32);
        control.OwnerHeaderAppearance.ImageHAlign = HAlign.Center;
        control.OwnerHeaderAppearance.ImageVAlign = VAlign.Bottom;

        //  Activate the first visible owner; use the ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance
        //  to customize the look.
        control.ActiveOwner = control.CalendarInfo.VisibleOwners[0];
        control.ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.White;
        control.ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightBlue;
        control.ActiveOwnerHeaderAppearance.BorderColor = Color.DarkBlue;

        //  Allow sizing of the owner rows only from the header;
        //  Impose a minimum resize height so that at least one
        //  row of appointments can be displayed.
        control.OwnerSizing = TimelineViewOwnerSizing.Header;
        control.MinimumRowResizeHeight = control.ActivityHeightResolved + Padding;
Public Property OwnerHeaderImageVisible As Boolean