バージョン 20.1

IsInWorkingHours(TimeSlot,DateTime) メソッド

指定した TimeSlot は指定した日付の稼働時間内かどうかを返します。
public bool IsInWorkingHours( 
   TimeSlot timeSlot,
   DateTime date


テストされる範囲の開始時期および終了時期を定義する TimeSlot インスタンス。


TimeSlot は稼働時間内の場合は True。それ以外 False。
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics

    AddHandler Me.dayView.MouseDown, AddressOf dayView_MouseDown

    Private Sub dayView_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)

        Dim dayView As UltraDayView = sender

        '  Use the OwnerFromPoint method to hit test for an Owner
        Dim ownerAtPoint As Owner = dayView.OwnerFromPoint(e.Location)

        '  Use the DateTimeFromPoint method to hit test for the date and TimeSlot
        Dim timeSlot As TimeSlot = Nothing
        Dim dateAtPoint As Nullable(Of DateTime) = dayView.DateTimeFromPoint(e.Location, timeSlot)
        Dim isInWorkingHours As Boolean = False

        If Not timeSlot Is Nothing Then

            If Not ownerAtPoint Is Nothing Then
                isInWorkingHours = ownerAtPoint.IsInWorkingHours(timeSlot, dateAtPoint.Value)

                '  Create a TimeRange from the WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime, and then
                '  use it to determine whether the TimeSlot is within that range
                Dim dayOfWeek As DayOfWeek = dayView.CalendarInfo.DaysOfWeek(dateAtPoint.Value.DayOfWeek)
                Dim TimeRange As TimeRange = New TimeRange(dayOfWeek.WorkDayStartTime.TimeOfDay, dayOfWeek.WorkDayEndTime.TimeOfDay)
                Dim intersects As Boolean = TimeRange.IsInRange(timeSlot)
                isInWorkingHours = dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay AndAlso intersects
            End If

            Dim timeSlotRange As TimeRange = TimeRange.FromTimeSlot(timeSlot, False)
            Dim notString As String = IIf(isInWorkingHours = False, "not ", String.Empty)
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The {0} time range is {1}within the working hour range.", timeSlotRange.ToString(True), notString))
        End If

    End Sub
Public Overloads Function IsInWorkingHours( _
   ByVal timeSlot As TimeSlot, _
   ByVal date As Date _
) As Boolean
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.Diagnostics;

    this.dayView.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(dayView_MouseDown);

    void dayView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        UltraDayView dayView = sender as UltraDayView;
        //  Use the OwnerFromPoint method to hit test for an Owner
        Owner ownerAtPoint = dayView.OwnerFromPoint( e.Location );
        //  Use the DateTimeFromPoint method to hit test for the date and TimeSlot
        TimeSlot timeSlot = null;
        Nullable<DateTime> dateAtPoint = dayView.DateTimeFromPoint( e.Location, out timeSlot );
        bool isInWorkingHours = false;

        if ( timeSlot != null )
            if ( ownerAtPoint != null )
                isInWorkingHours = ownerAtPoint.IsInWorkingHours( timeSlot, dateAtPoint.Value );
                //  Create a TimeRange from the WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime, and then
                //  use it to determine whether the TimeSlot is within that range
                DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = dayView.CalendarInfo.DaysOfWeek[dateAtPoint.Value.DayOfWeek];
                TimeRange timeRange = new TimeRange( dayOfWeek.WorkDayStartTime.TimeOfDay, dayOfWeek.WorkDayEndTime.TimeOfDay );
                bool intersects = timeRange.IsInRange( timeSlot );
                isInWorkingHours = dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay && intersects;

            TimeRange timeSlotRange = TimeRange.FromTimeSlot( timeSlot, false );
            string notString = isInWorkingHours == false ? "not " : string.Empty;
            Console.WriteLine( string.Format("The {0} time range is {1}within the working hour range.", timeSlotRange.ToString(true), notString) );

Public Overloads Function IsInWorkingHours( _
   ByVal timeSlot As TimeSlot, _
   ByVal date As Date _
) As Boolean