public Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean AppointmentActionsEnabled {get; set;}
'宣言 Public Property AppointmentActionsEnabled As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim activeOwner As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Owner = Me.UltraDayView1.ActiveOwner If Not activeOwner Is Nothing Then Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner's 'Name' is '" + activeOwner.Name + "'") Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner's 'EmailAddress' is '" + activeOwner.EmailAddress + "'") Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner's 'Key' is '" + activeOwner.Key + "'") Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner's 'Index' is " + activeOwner.Index.ToString()) If (activeOwner.Locked) Then Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner is locked") Else Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner is not locked") End If If (activeOwner.Visible) Then Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner is visible") Else Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner is hidden") End If If (activeOwner.AppointmentActionsEnabledResolved) Then Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner's appointment actions are enabled") Else Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner's appointment actions are disabled") End If If (activeOwner.IsUnassigned) Then Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner is the UnassignedOwner") Else Debug.WriteLine("The ActiveOwner is not the UnassignedOwner") End If Debug.WriteLine("The 'Owners' collection to which the ActiveOwner belongs contains " + activeOwner.CalendarInfo.Owners.Count.ToString() + " members") Else Debug.WriteLine("ActiveOwner is Nothing") End If End Sub
'宣言 Public Property AppointmentActionsEnabled As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule; using System.Diagnostics; private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Owner activeOwner = this.ultraDayView1.ActiveOwner; if ( activeOwner != null ) { Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner's 'Name' is '" + activeOwner.Name + "'" ); Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner's 'EmailAddress' is '" + activeOwner.EmailAddress + "'" ); Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner's 'Key' is '" + activeOwner.Key + "'" ); Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner's 'Index' is " + activeOwner.Index.ToString() ); if ( activeOwner.Locked ) Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner is locked" ); else Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner is not locked" ); if ( activeOwner.Visible ) Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner is visible" ); else Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner is hidden" ); if ( activeOwner.AppointmentActionsEnabledResolved ) Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner's appointment actions are enabled" ); else Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner's appointment actions are disabled" ); if ( activeOwner.IsUnassigned ) Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner is the UnassignedOwner" ); else Debug.WriteLine( "The ActiveOwner is not the UnassignedOwner" ); Debug.WriteLine( "The 'Owners' collection to which the ActiveOwner belongs contains " + activeOwner.CalendarInfo.Owners.Count.ToString() + " members" ); } else Debug.WriteLine( "ActiveOwner is null" ); }
'宣言 Public Property AppointmentActionsEnabled As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean