Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private Sub CreateMonthlyAndYearlyAppointment()
' the PatternDayOfMonth is used by explicit
' Monthly and Yearly recurring appointments
' For an explicit yearly appointment (i.e. one that falls on
' a specific month/day combination in the year), the
' 'PatternDayOfMonth' will indicate the specific day of
' the month on which the occurrences will occur; this is
' used in conjunction with the PatternMonthOfYear, which
' indicates which month of the year the occurrence will
' land on.
' create a new appointment
Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim yrAppt As Appointment = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.Appointments.Add(dt, dt.AddHours(3D), String.Empty)
' create the recurrence object - this appointment
' will become the rootappointment (or representation
' of the series) - it's 'IsRecurringAppointmentRoot'
' will return true and it will not displayed in
' the associated controls. instead, instances or
' occurrences of the recurrence will appear in the
' the controls associated with the calendar info.
yrAppt.Recurrence = New AppointmentRecurrence()
' the pattern frequency indicates how often the
' recurrence occurs. in this case, it will occur
' yearly...
yrAppt.Recurrence.PatternFrequency = RecurrencePatternFrequency.Yearly
' a yearly recurring appt can have an explicit
' dt pattern - e.g. the 25th of every december
yrAppt.Recurrence.PatternMonthOfYear = 12
yrAppt.Recurrence.PatternDayOfMonth = 25
' its not necessary to set the patterntype in this case
' since explicit is the default
'appt.Recurrence.PatternType = RecurrencePatternType.Explicit;
' the description provides a description of the
' recurrence info.
yrAppt.Subject = yrAppt.Recurrence.Description
' For an explicit monthly appointment (i.e. one that falls
' on a specific day every x months), the 'PatternDayOfMonth'
' will indicate which day on the month the appointment
' will occur. Note, if you specify a value that is greater
' then the number of the days in the month, the last
' day of that month will be used.
' create a new appointment
Dim mthAppt As Appointment = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.Appointments.Add(dt, dt.AddHours(3D), String.Empty)
' create the recurrence object - this appointment
' will become the rootappointment (or representation
' of the series) as mentioned above
mthAppt.Recurrence = New AppointmentRecurrence()
' the pattern frequency indicates how often the
' recurrence occurs. in this case, it will occur
' every x months...
mthAppt.Recurrence.PatternFrequency = RecurrencePatternFrequency.Monthly
' the 'PatternInterval' in an explicit monthly recurrence
' will indicate how many months exist between each
' occurrence of the appointment. in this case, we
' want the appointment to occur every month
mthAppt.Recurrence.PatternInterval = 1
' if you were to set 'PatternDayOfMonth' to a value like 31,
' which is more days then exist in certain months, the
' occurrencesfor such months would fall on the last day
' of that month
' e.g. appt.Recurrence.PatternDayOfMonth = 31;
' in this case, we want the appt to occur on the
' first day of the month
mthAppt.Recurrence.PatternDayOfMonth = 1
' the description provides a description of the recurrence info
mthAppt.Subject = mthAppt.Recurrence.Description
End Sub