
ParentColumn プロパティ

現在のバンドの親にあるチャプタ列では UltraGridBandオブジェクトを返します(現在のバンドが子バンドの場合)、Nullを返します(バンド0の場合)。このプロパティは読み取り専用です。
Public ReadOnly Property ParentColumn As UltraGridColumn
public UltraGridColumn ParentColumn {get;}


Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid
Imports System.Diagnostics

   Private Sub Button141_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button141.Click

       ' Loop through all the bands.
       Dim band As UltraGridBand = Nothing
       For Each band In Me.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands

           Dim parentBand As UltraGridBand = band.ParentBand
           Dim parentColumn As UltraGridColumn = band.ParentColumn

           If Not parentBand Is Nothing Then
               Debug.Write("bands(" & band.Index & ") key = " & band.Key)
               Debug.Write(", ParentBand.Key = " & parentBand.Key)
               Debug.WriteLine(", ParentColumn.Key = " & parentColumn.Key)

               ' IsChaptered property off the parent columns is always true.
               Debug.Assert(parentColumn.IsChaptered, "ParentColumn.IsChaptered should always be true.")

               ' Also the parent column of child bands is containes in the parent band's columns 
               ' collection.
               Dim col As UltraGridColumn = parentBand.Columns(parentColumn.Index)
               Debug.Assert(col Is parentColumn)
               ' If parent band is null, then the parent column should also be null.
               Debug.Assert(parentColumn Is Nothing)

               Debug.Write("bands(" & band.Index & ") key = " & band.Key)
               Debug.WriteLine(", ParentBand = Nothing, ParentColumn = Nothing")
           End If


   End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button141_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// Loop through all the bands.
	foreach ( UltraGridBand band in this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands )
		UltraGridBand parentBand = band.ParentBand;
		UltraGridColumn parentColumn = band.ParentColumn;

		if ( null != parentBand )
			Debug.Write( "bands[" + band.Index + "] key = " + band.Key );
			Debug.Write( ", ParentBand.Key = " + parentBand.Key );
			Debug.WriteLine( ", ParentColumn.Key = " + parentColumn.Key );

			// IsChaptered property off the parent columns is always true.
			Debug.Assert( parentColumn.IsChaptered, "ParentColumn.IsChaptered should always be true." );
			// Also the parent column of child bands is containes in the parent band's columns 
			// collection.
			UltraGridColumn col = parentBand.Columns[ parentColumn.Index ];
			Debug.Assert( col == parentColumn );
			// If parent band is null, then the parent column should also be null.
			Debug.Assert( null == parentColumn );

			Debug.Write( "bands[" + band.Index + "] key = " + band.Key );
			Debug.WriteLine( ", ParentBand = null, ParentColumn = null" );
