
ThumbOffset プロパティ

つまみが中央からどのくらい離れたところに配置されるのかを取得または設定します。デフォルトで、つまみはひとつの軸上の対応する目盛り/値、ならびにもう 1 つの軸上のトラックに相対して中央に配置されます。
Public Property ThumbOffset As Point
public Point ThumbOffset {get; set;}

注: 使用されているつまみの画像が関連付けられた目盛り上でセンタリングされるべきではない時にこのプロパティは役に立ちます。例はフラットな端が目盛りに沿って配置される直角三角形になります。

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors

        ' Turn off themes and set the ViewStyle to Standard. 
        ' If themes are on, themed drawing will overrides the appearance settings below.             
        Me.UltraTrackBar1.UseOsThemes = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False
        ' If the ViewStyle is not standard, then the ViewStyle drawing will use images for the 
        ' buttons and this will overrides the appearance settings below. 
        Me.UltraTrackBar1.ViewStyle = TrackBarViewStyle.Standard

        ' Shift the thumb up and apply an appearance and a hot tracking appearance and a pressed appearance. 
        Me.UltraTrackBar1.ThumbOffset = New Point(0, -5)
        Me.UltraTrackBar1.ThumbAppearance.BackColor = Color.Yellow
        Me.UltraTrackBar1.ThumbHotTrackAppearance.BackColor = Color.Gold
        Me.UltraTrackBar1.ThumbHotTrackAppearance.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors;

            // Turn off themes and set the ViewStyle to Standard. 
            // If themes are on, themed drawing will override the appearance settings below.             
            this.ultraTrackBar1.UseOsThemes = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
            // If the ViewStyle is not standard, then the ViewStyle drawing will use images for the 
            // buttons and this will override the appearance settings below. 
            this.ultraTrackBar1.ViewStyle = TrackBarViewStyle.Standard;

            // Shift the thumb up and apply an appearance and a hot tracking appearance and a pressed appearance. 
            this.ultraTrackBar1.ThumbOffset = new Point(0, -5);
            this.ultraTrackBar1.ThumbAppearance.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
            this.ultraTrackBar1.ThumbHotTrackAppearance.BackColor = Color.Gold;
            this.ultraTrackBar1.ThumbHotTrackAppearance.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod;