
RowDeleted プロパティ

Public Property RowDeleted As String
public string RowDeleted {get; set;}
Me.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.EditingClientEvents.RowsDeleting = "WDG1_RowDeleting"
Me.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.EditingClientEvents.RowDeleted = "WDG1_RowDeleted"
this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.EditingClientEvents.RowsDeleting = "WDG1_RowDeleting";
this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.EditingCore.EditingClientEvents.RowDeleted = "WDG1_RowDeleted";
// The client event RowDeleting takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the CancelRowsDeletingEventArgs

var length = null;  
function WDG1_RowDeleting(sender, e) {

    //Returns the collection of rows that are about to be deleted
    var rows = e.get_rows();

    //Returns the number of rows in the collection
    length = rows.get_length();

    if (length == 1) {

        if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the row?"))

        //Cancels 'RowDeleting' event

    else {
        if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the '" + length + "' rows?"))



// The client event RowDeleted takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the RowsDeletedEventArgs
function WDG1_RowDeleted(sender, e) {

    var wdg = $find("WebDataGrid1");

    //Returns the grid's behavior collection
    var behaviors = wdg.get_behaviors();

    //Returns reference to the selection behavior
    var selection = behaviors.get_selection();

    if (length == 1) {
        alert("Successfully deleted the row!");
    } else
        alert("Successfully deleted the rows!");