
TitleTop プロパティ

Public Property TitleTop As TitleAppearance
public TitleAppearance TitleTop {get; set;}
'The following applies to all titles, titletop is simply used for the example
'sets the height or width of space for the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Extent = 45
'sets the font color
UltraChart1.TitleTop.FontColor = Color.Red
'sets whether the chart auto-sizes the font for the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.FontSizeBestFit = True
'sets the horizontal alignment of the text
UltraChart1.TitleTop.HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Far
'sets the margins for the Top, Bottom, Left and right
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Bottom = 2
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Top = 2
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Left = 2
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Right = 2
'sets the text to display for the chart in the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Text = "Sample Title Text"
'sets the vertical alignment of the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.VerticalAlign = StringAlignment.Near
'show/hide the referenced title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Visible = True
'wrap/don't wrap the text
UltraChart1.TitleTop.WrapText = True
// the following applies to all titles, titletop is simply used for the example
// sets the height or width of space for the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Extent = 45;
// sets the font color
UltraChart1.TitleTop.FontColor = Color.Red;
// sets whether the chart auto-sizes the font for the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.FontSizeBestFit = True;
// sets the horizontal alignment of the text
UltraChart1.TitleTop.HorizontalAlign = StringAlignment.Far;
// sets the margins for the Top, Bottom, Left and right
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Bottom = 2;
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Top = 2;
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Left = 2;
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Margins.Right = 2;
// sets the text to display for the chart in the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Text = "Sample Title Text";
// sets the vertical alignment of the title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.VerticalAlign = StringAlignment.Near;
// show/hide the referenced title
UltraChart1.TitleTop.Visible = True;
// wrap/don't wrap the text
UltraChart1.TitleTop.WrapText = True;